Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The 2014-15 Budget: California Spending Plan

First, the county welfare department may adjust the weekly authorized hours for any particular week for known recurring or periodic needs of the recipient. Second, the recipient may request that the county welfare department adjust the weekly authorized hours for unexpected extraordinary circumstances.

Other Budget Issues

Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Reimbursements to counties for detaining new prison commitments. Withhold action on the Governor's proposed $10 million one-time General Fund augmentation to reimburse counties for detaining new prison commitments until the May Revision when updated information is available regarding county claims.

Preliminary information on August income tax collections

Sep 2, 2011 - Preliminary information on August income tax collections Preliminary information on August income tax collections Program: Revenue Finding or Recommendation: Provides preliminary information on California's personal and corporate income tax collections for the month of August 2011.

[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 2011-12 Budget Package

Butte County—New North County Courthouse. The amount of $4,358,000 is provided for the working drawings phase to construct a new courthouse in Butte County. The new 67,443 gross square foot (gsf) building will house five courtrooms.

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Using Proposition 56 Funding in Medi-Cal To Improve Access to Quality Care

These concerns led to Proposition 56—which raises state taxes on tobacco products and dedicates the majority of associated revenues to Medi-Cal on an ongoing basis—being put on the statewide ballot in November 2016.

State Spending Plan - Chapter 3 Part I

The budget provides a total of $17.7 billion ($9.2 billion General Fund) for general purpose funding to school districts and county offices of education in 1995-96. This represent s an increase of $157 per pupil from the amount provided in 1994-95.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Judicial

For example, in 1955, when this sharing ratio was established as a means of standardiz- ing sahl:ries, a superior court judge in counties of over 250,000 popu- lation earned $18,000 per year (judges in smaller counties were paid less) of which the county paid $9,500 or 52.8 percent.

The 2012–13 Budget: Refocusing CDCR After The 2011 Realignment [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 2012 - The 2012–13 Budget: Refocusing CDCR After The 2011 Realignment [Publication Details] Video Description: In 2011, the state enacted several bills to realign to county governments the responsibility for certain felon offenders who previously had been eligible for state prison and parole.

The 2012-13 Budget: The 2011 Realignment of Adult Offenders--An Update [Publication Details]

Feb 22, 2012 - Perhaps the most significant programmatic change implemented as part of the 2011 realignment was realigning to county governments the responsibility for managing and supervising certain felon offenders who previously had been eligible for state prison and parole.

Federal Approval of a Reauthorized Managed Care Organization Tax Now Appears More Likely [Publication Details]

Dec 21, 2018 - Federal Approval of a Reauthorized Managed Care Organization Tax Now Appears More Likely [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.