Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Legislative Branch

It is proposed to reduce the number of authorized attorney positions from 26 to 25, and to add two posi- tions: a research assistant for Sacramento and a legal secretary for the clerk's office in San Francisco.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: General Administration

Visits to a limited group of out-of-state graduate schools have indicated that these institutions are a particularly good recruitment source and with the new recruiter more schools can be visited and more applicants and eligibles for psychiatric social worker positions obtained.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

Prior to the budget year this augmentation was provided from the Fair and Exposition Fund. It is now proposed to provide the additional funds from the General Fund. While a slight increase will be noted in the revenue estimated for the budget year, the revenue still will provide only approximately one-third of the funds necessary to operate the commission's activities.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Education

The code provisions setting eligibility require (1) application to county superintendent, (2) attained grade average in the top 20 per~ cent of the graduating students in college preparatory agriculture, (3) meet college entrance requirements, and (4) application and selec- tion in the senior year of high school.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

The reasons given are that sample appraisals will be required in each county at least once in every three years instead of at less frequent intervals, in some cases, as in the past, and that the pUblication of assessment ratios, and the use of these ratios as the basis for calculations involving school equalization aid and school construction

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

Most of the patients live within 25 miles of Lafayette; however, some patients travel as far as 75 miles to receive treatment. Although the treatment center serves the Lafayette area, it is an administrative part of the Central Louisiana State Hospital, which is located in Pine- ville, 100 miles from Lafayette.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Military Department

An average population of 3,850 patients is anticipated for the 1960-61 fiscal year. This is the same number of patients estimated for the ·1959-60 fiscal year. The summary of reductions does not include operating expense items which we have recommended be deleted in the hospital summary.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Department of Motor Vehicles

Division of Registration Position reductions: current year 51.5; budget year SO; total 131.5. Estimated registration workload increases by fiscal year. 1959-60 increase over 1958-59 ___________________________ -4.1 percent 1960-61 increase over 1959-60 ___________________________ -4.8 percent Division of Drivers' Licenses Position reductions: current year 20; budget year 85; total 105.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Natural Resources

It is estimated that this will increase the number of tours per day from 25 to 40 and increase the number of visitors each day from a maximum of 1,325 to 2,100. To handle this increased visitor workload justification has been provided for the three state park attendants, the 2.9 seasonal historical monument guides, the two groundsmen, the two janitors and 60 man-months of seasonal park aid.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Public Health

Although there are 25 professional and five nonprofessional positions in the laboratory, there is little indica- tion to us that with the various levels of professional people in the laboratory the span of control is too great and there is inadequate scientific direction; therefore, we do not recommend approval of the assistant chief position.