Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Public Works

The requested appropriation of $82,680 will finance the second year of the study and this sum is about the same as the second year needs originally anticipated by the department. We recommend approval of the re- quested appropriation.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Veterans Affairs

(b) A monthly payment of an allowance for the living expenses of the student in an amount not exceeding forty dollars ($40) per month for the time the student is in satisfactory and actual full-time attend- ance at a day school, absence during the month on account of illness to be included as a part of such attendance.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

The department's work is budgeted at $165,000 during the cur- rent year and at $147,000 during next year. Money is, therefore, being requested for a full year's work, even though there is only a contingent need for such work.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

The Bureau of Text- books and Publications, Division of Public School Administration, has the responsibility to maintain supply and to distribute to the local schools. The State Printing Plant prints most of the adopted textbooks.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Legislative Branch

In a special report requested by the Ways and Means Committee, we surveyed the procedures followed by the Judicial Council in carrying out its supervisory functions and recommended the use of more exact workload measurements and stronger exercise of responsibility con- cerning use of master calendars and other procedures which will pro- mote efficiency of the courts.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch

In a special report requested by the Ways and Means Committee, we surveyed the procedures followed by the Judicial Council in carrying out its supervisory functions and recommended the use of more exact workload measurements and stronger exercise of responsibility con- cerning use of master calendars and other procedures which will pro- mote efficiency of the courts.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

The changeover cost is approximately $60,000 which by the end of the fourth year will put the department in a position to save approximately $20,000 per year over curren.t operating costs, taking into consideration the amorti- zatiop. of the changeover cost during the first four years.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

In addition the General Fund is reimbursed from the Division of Architecture Public Building Fund by $46,694 for the Fire Marshal's work in inspecting and reviewing public school plans that pass through the division's school plans checking section.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: State Fire Marshal

Operating expenses show a 7 percent increase for the budget year as compared to a 16.4 increase in the 1960-1961 fiscal year over 1959-1960. The pro- posed equipment expenditure for fiscal year 1961-1962 is $63,145 less than estimated expenditures of $120,725 for the current year.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

Revenues to the State could probably be increased by about a million dollars annually, based on 1959 populations of 10,434 patients in these hospitals and on an estimated average monthly collection of $25 to $30 per patient which approximates the experience for mentally ill patients.