Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Voter Registration and Election Reform Act of 2002

Under the proposed initiative, California citizens who wish to vote would be required to register in the presence of a county election official at least 60 days before an election. In order to register, they would need to present a social security card and proof of citizenship.

Let the Voters Decide--Part B, Fair Election Districts

The costs to the counties generally would be minor. Summary. This measure would result in elections-related costs to the state in the range of about $2  million and probably minor costs to counties.

[PDF] California Clemency Board

Proposal This measure would repeal the Governor’s authority to grant clemency and instead transfer clemency authority to the California Clemency Board, which would consist of county clemency boards. Each county would have at least one board of five citizens randomly selected from the pool of registered voters.

2001 Budget Analysis:Department of Pesticide Regulation

(Allocations of revenues to the counties will increase slightly given the formula that applies under current law.)   Department of Pesticide Regulation Fund Revenues and Expenditures 2001-02 Through 2003-04 (In Millions)

1998 Cal Facts Program Trends--Part III

Of the 1.7 million acres of state-owned wildlands, 48 percent is concentrated in five counties. The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection is the primary state landowner in Men docino County, while the Department of Parks and Recreation is the primary state landowner in the other four.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Voters FIRST Act for Congress

Further, the commission is to consider the "geographic integrity of any city, county, city and county, neighborhood, or community of interest " in redrawing district boundaries. Major Provisions Proposed New Method for Congressional Redistricting.


Medi-Cal Caseload Is Concentrated In Urban and Central Valley Counties Medi-Cal caseload concentration varies significantly across California. As the figure shows, among the state's 15 largest counties, those in the central valley have the highest pr oportion of their population enrolled in Medi-Cal.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Department of Health Care Services (4260)

Reductions in County Administration Funding ($70 Million Savings). The 2008 –09 budget proposes to reduce funding to counties for the determinations of Medi –Cal eligibility by $70 million General Fund.

Implementation of the Enterprise Data to Revenue (EDR) project

Feb 20, 2014 - Further Detail Background The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) administers California ’s income tax programs. The FTB uses information technology (IT) systems to process taxpayer returns and collect tax revenue.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Transportation

Support of the department is derived from the Aeronautics Fund, which receives revenues generated from a two-cents-per-gallon jet aircraft fuel tax and net revenues of two cents per gallon attributable to motor vehicle fuel (gasoline) used in propelling aircraft.