Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] Proposition 22

The state must repay affected cities, counties, and special districts with interest, within three years.  Laws that change the allocation of property taxes among cities, counties, and special districts must be approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses.

[PDF] 2003-04 Budget Overview: Proposition 50 Bond Expenditures and the CALFED Bay-Delta Program

Proposition 50: Issues for Legislative Consideration (Continued) LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE 4L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E April 3, 2003 CALFED Bay-Delta Program Budget The Governor’s budget proposes about $497 million of state funds (mainly bond funds) for the CALFED Bay-Delta Program in 2003-04, essentially the same level as estimated for 2002-03: CALFED Expendituresa (In

[PDF] Groundwater Management and Drinking Water Quality Issues

Local groundwater ordinances are largely designed to protect the local jurisdiction’s water sup- ply and, as such, can operate to limit groundwater transfers out of the local area. State Supports Local Groundwater Management, Including Water Quality Improvements.

[PDF] Energy Agency Reorganization

Manage existing DWR power contracts CERS Transfer to new Department of Energy. Leave as is, no transfer. Regulate drilling, operation, maintenance, plugging and abandonment of oil, natural gas, and geothermal wells DOGGR Leave as is, no transfer.

[PDF] Overview of 2013-14 Governor's Budget for Resources

Major expenditures include $77 million for levee improvements near Yuba City and $41 million for modifi cations to Folsom Dam.  Proposition 117. The Governor’s budget for 2013-14 proposes to increase General Fund spending by $21 million to help meet the requirements for funding Propositions 117, which requires the state to provide $30 million annually for 30 years to acquire, enhance, or restore specifi ed types of lands for wildlife or open space.  Perris Dam Remediation.

[PDF] Governance and Financing of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan

For example, the Legislature could give the Implementation Offi ce statutory authority over other agencies, transfer some responsibilities for implementation to DSC (which currently has some regulatory authority over other agencies), or grant additional authority to DSC to exercise oversight over BDCP implementation (such as by requiring DSC approval of changes to species recovery measures).

[PDF] Overview of Bond Funding for California State Parks

Past Bond Funding for Parks Recent Bond Funding for State and Local Parks (Dollars in Millions) Bond Year Total Authorized Portion of Parks Allocation for Local Assistance Remaining Funds Availablea Proposition 12 2000 $2,061 $1,364 62% $5 Proposition 40 2002 2,518 1,186 81 27 Proposition 84 2006 5,388 900 44 12 Totals $9,967 $3,450 64% $45 a Estimate as of February 2016. 4L E G I S L A T I V E A

[PDF] 2017-18 Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan

Transfers auction revenue to General Fund to backfi ll revenue losses from existing and expanded SUT exemption.  Expresses Legislative Intent to Use Funds for Certain Activities  AB 398 suspends the state fi re prevention fee through 2030 and expresses legislative intent to use auction revenue to backfi ll the lost fee revenue.  Identifi es other legislative priorities for the

[PDF] 2017-18 Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan

Transfers auction revenue to General Fund to backfi ll revenue losses from existing and expanded SUT exemption.  Expresses Legislative Intent to Use Funds for Certain Activities  AB 398 suspends the state fi re prevention fee through 2030 and expresses legislative intent to use auction revenue to backfi ll the lost fee revenue.  Identifi es other legislative priorities for the

[PDF] Overview of the Beverage Container Recycling Program

Unredeemed CRV Supports Recycling-Related Activities BCRF Expenditures (In Millions) Expenditures 2018-19 Projection California Redemption Value $1,010 Supplemental Program Expenditures Processing fee offsets 101.3 CalRecycle administration 52.3 Handling fees 49.6 Administrative fees 46.2 Curbside supplemental payments 15.0 City County Payment Program 10.5 Quality Incentive