Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] Assessing California’s Climate Policies—Implications for State Transportation Funding and Programs

The state’s 58 counties and 482 cities own and maintain these assets, as well as roughly 12,000 locally-owned bridges and other related roadway infrastructure. The state distributes a portion of its transportation revenues to cities and counties to support local streets and roads. • Transit and Rail.

[PDF] Drug Use in California

The National Institute of Justice began the DUF Program in New York City in 1986 and has been expanding it ever since. There are three DUF sites in California: Los Angeles, SanDiego, and a new one in SantaClara.

[PDF] Supplemental Analysis of The 2002-03 Governor’s Budget for Child Care

This amount is estimated to be sufficient to serve qualifying families until the end of March 2003. 2 California Child Care and Development Programs—Local Assistance (In Millions) Federal Funds Totals CalWORKsb Stage 1 DSS $103.0 $472.0 $575.0 $119.2 $353.2 $472.4 Stage 2 SDE 138.3 566.3 704.6c 196.8 395.2 592.0d Community Colleges (Stage 2) CCC 15.0 — 15.0 15.0 — 15.0 Reserve for Stages 1 and 2

Proposition 98 Primer

The state transferred roughly $4.8  billion annually in local property tax revenues from school districts to local governments. These transfers were to compensate local governments for the vehicle license fee "swap " and the "triple flip " payment mechanism for the deficit-financing bond passed in March  2004.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: County Admin Claims;Copay Drugs;Nursing Facilities

Recognizing this incr ease, the 1994 Budget Act also required counties to transfer to the state $200 million annually to offset General Fund costs for the Medi-Cal Program--if federal reimbursements for MAC activities were received.

[PDF] 2007-08 Budget Overview: Resources and Environmental Protection (Including an Overview of the CALFED Bay-Delta Program)

In this reorganization, all CBDA positions were transferred to either the Secretary for Resources or one of fi ve other CALFED implementing agencies. Importantly, the Secretary was given clear responsibility for overall program planning, performance, and tracking.

Tax Agency Consolidation: Remittance and Return Processing

This approach would capitalize on improvements in electronic funds transfers, processing, and data storage. Through various means, the FTB has increased the amount of electronic remittances and filings that occur.

[PDF] Re-Envisioning County Offices of Education: A Study of Their Mission and Funding

The state, however, does not track these funding transfers. Moreover, reported expenditure data do not delineate clearly whether COEs include spending on all students or only direct COE-funded students.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget BillK-12 Education, Budget Issues, Part II

Four out of five districts that used the funding flexibility reported they transferred money between programs to reduce district general fund support of categorical programs. Many surveyed districts wanted more flexibility than the mega-item affords.

[PDF] Reforming California's Juvenile Justice System

We do not know if juvenile offenders receive harsher sentences in adult court or if transferring juvenile offenders to adult court has a deter- rent effect. Research from other states shows that juveniles tried in adult court tended to receive more lenient treatment than did a comparable group of youths in juvenile court.