Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Resources

The department processes var- ious transactions for boat registration including original registrations, renewals, transfers and duplicates. During the 1967 calendar year the department processed 34,461 original registrations, 8,780 renewals, 64,551 transfers and 20,558 duplicate registrations for a total of 128,350 transactions.

[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: The Coordinated Care Initiative: A Critical Juncture

The DOF estimates that this will transfer approximately $600 million in IHSS costs from the General Fund to the counties in 2017-18. • Termination of State-Level Bargaining for IHSS Provider Wages and Benefits.

Extended School Year Program At Compton Unified School District

The CSIS is a multiyear effort to standardize the management of student records across the state to (1) facilitate records transfer, (2) improve districts' ability to use student level data in decision making, and (3) assist districts in state reporting.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Natural Resources

Such a transfer has not been made, and will be dependent upon action by the Legislature. Salaries and Wages Estimated increases total $500, or 2.5 percent. No additional POSl- tions are requested but there is an increase in temporary help of $500 for the Indian Museum.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

This bureau had 68 positions authorized by the Budget Act of 1954, but 14 of these were transferred to the Department of Alcoholic Bev- erage Control on January 1, 1955, to provide staff for the off-sale general license fee audit activity of that agency.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Corrections

Travel expenses of departmental transportation officers transfer- ing wards to and between various state and local institutions. The $55,413 requested for these functions in 1967-68 is an increase of $1,256 over the amount expended in 1965-66.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch

One means at the court's disposal was to transfer certain cases to the courts of appeal. This method has been and is being utilized. Other methods have been to provide additional staff and improve procedures for more efficient utilization of judicial time.

2001 Budget Analysis Special Transportation Programs (2640)

Potential fund sources for an augmentation include increasing STA's share of PTA revenues or an additional transfer of General Fund monies. Such an augmentation in operating assist ance, however, requires both a new state perspective on its role in regional and local transit service delivery and a commitment to continue providing substantive financial assista nce in the long term.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Transportation (2660)

About $3.7 billion (32 percent) of Caltrans’ total suppo rt will come from the State Highway Account, $3.5 billion (31 percent) from federal funds, and $2.3 billion (20 percent) from the Proposition 42 transfer and early repayment of a p revious suspension.

[PDF] Tobacco Tax, Disease Prevention and Children's Health Insurance Act of 2006 (version 1)

Children up to age two in families with incomes below 300 percent of FPL, and who have transferred from the state's Access for Infants and Mothers program, also receive coverage under HFP. Children for whom HFP applications are filed must generally be an eligible United States citizen or a qualified alien.