Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: California Gambling Control Commission (0855)

In addition, these compacts —as well as a few others —require tribes to negotiate directly with county and city governments in certain instances to (1) mitigate the negative environmental effects of casino construction and expansion and (2) provide reasonable compensation to local governments for increased costs of public services resulting from casinos.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Department of Public Health (4265)

(There are 61 LHJs, composed of the 58 counties and the cities of Berkeley, Long Beach, and Pasadena.) Community based organizations and universities also receive state local assistance funds for public health programs and research.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Developmental Services (4300)

City or county park and recreation programs also provide generic services for developmentally disabled clients. State law requires that RCs access generic services first and purchase services only when generic services are unavailable.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Department of Mental Health (4440)

The state hospitals provide inpatient treatment services for mentally disabled county clients, judicially committed clients, clients civilly committed as sexually violent predators (SVPs), mentally disordered offenders, and mentally disabled clients transferred from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Judicial and Criminal Justice: Realigning Programs

Cities and counties also would receive a “per peace officer ” reimbursement for one mandate —the Peace Officer Procedural Bill of Rights (POBOR). This simple POBOR payment methodology would replace the current complicated and highly contentious reimbursement for POBOR.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Judicial and Criminal Justice: Governor's General Fund Proposals

Under the administration ’s budget plan, these new revenues would be deposited into the General Fund and then would subsequently be transferred into a newly created special fund called the Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment Fund (DAPTF).

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: General Government: Department of Consumer Affairs

Under current law, any special fund balances of entities that were eliminated could be transferred to the General Fund. The Governor ’s proposal relates to a relative few number of boards and commissions within DCA.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Health: Executive Summary

This benefit is known as NEMT, and includes such services as trips to and from scheduled medical appointments, return trips from hospital emergency rooms, and transfers between hospitals. Our review indicates that Medi –Cal potentially could improve the availability and quality of its NEMT services while reducing costs by contracting with a transportation broker to manage a portion of its NEMT services.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Health: Background

They generally pay for services only if an individual does not have private insurance or they cannot refer an individual to so –called “generic ” services that are provided at the local level by counties, cities, school districts, and other agencies.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Health: DHCS—The Broker Model for Medicaid Nonemergency Medical Transportation

This benefit is known as NEMT, and includes such services as trips to and from scheduled medical appointments, return trips from hospital emergency rooms, and transfers between hospitals. Our review indicates that Medi –Cal potentially could improve the availability and quality of its NEMT services while reducing costs by contracting with a transportation broker to manage a portion of its NEMT services.