Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2009 Initiative Analysis: The Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 (Amendment #1-S)

The measure permits local governments to impose general, excise, or transfer taxes, as well as benefit assessments and fees, on authorized marijuana-related activities. It specifies that the purpose of such taxes, assessments, and fees is to allow local governments to raise revenue or to offset any costs associated with marijuana regulation.

2009 Initiative Analysis: California Education Tax Relief Act

These revenues are split among cities, counties, school districts, and community college districts, with distribution among the various entities varying by county. In 2008 ‑09, roughly $15.4  billion in local property tax revenues were provided to school and community college districts for general operations and administration.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Public Employee Payroll Deductions

State law requires public agencies to arrange for the proper deduction and transfer of dues and fees from its employees to the union that represent them in collective bargaining. Use of Union Dues and Fees for Political Purposes.

2009 Initiative Analysis: State Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust Fund Act

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) collects the VLF on behalf of the state and VLF revenues are primarily distributed to cities and counties. Revenues from the VLF are also used for grants to law enforcement organizations and some revenues are deposited in the state's General Fund.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Protect Homeowners and Close Corporate Tax Loopholes Act

Counties are directed to implement the new assessments over three years, beginning with those properties that have not changed ownership for the longest period of time. Over the same period, exemptions also are phased in, with the homeowner's exemption and renter's credit increases to start in 2013 ‑14 and the personal property exemption to start in 2014 ‑15.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Community Hospital Taxes (Version 5)

Payments to hospitals licensed to a county, city and county, or the University of California. Health care coverage for children in low-income families. At least 10  percent but no more than 15  percent of the proceeds would have to go for this purpose.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Government Spending Limit Act of 2010 [V-2]

That measure amended the State Constitution to establish an appropriations limit (referred to below as the "spending limit " or the "limit ") for the state government, as well as a limit for each city, county, school district, and other local government entity.

Proposition 1A: Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act.

In addition, the Constitution requires local governments to receive approval from property owners or voters before imposing (1) property owner assessments or (2) fees as an incident of property ownership ( "property-related fees "), other than fees for water, sewer, and refuse collection services.

2009 Initiative Analysis: California Cancer Research Act (Version 3)

Transfers Permitted From Facilities Fund. In the event the committee determined that there was a surplus in the Hope 2010 Facilities Fund, the measure authorizes the committee to transfer those monies to the Hope 2010 Research Fund, the Hope 2010 Smoking Cessation Fund, or the Hope 2010 Law Enforcement Fund.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Human Trafficking (version 2)

If more offenders are convicted of human trafficking under the state statutes, there could be an increase in state and local revenues (including to cities and counties) due to the new criminal fines established in the measure.