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1951 Budget Analysis: DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Amount budgeted ___________________________________________ _ Legislative Auditor's recommendation _______________________ _ Eteduction ___________________________________________ ~ _____ _ Budget Line page No. 594 27 594 48 594 61 $196,084 196,084 None Ten additional schools· with approxiuiately 250 cadets are being added to this program during the 1951-52 Fiscal Year.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Transportation Agency

The department, during this fiscal year, hired a consultant firm and began the Management Reporting and Control Program (MARC) which is now under way and proceeding according to sched- ule. The analyst staff of the department's work standard section was raised from 9 to 25 and the analysts selected were given 160 hours training which will enable them to conduct the two-yea.r program.

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

Effect of Current-Year Trigger Cuts on School Districts Will Vary. Unsurprisingly, given the diversity among California’s school and community college districts, the Proposition  98 trigger reductions will affect different types of districts differently.

[PDF] Vote SAFE: Secure and Fair Elections Act

The DMV collects in the range of $26 million in fee revenues each year from new and replacement identification issuances. To the extent that individuals requested iden- tification cards for the stated purpose of voting in a polling place, there could be reduc- tions in the amount of fees collected by the state for new and replacement identification cards.

The 2023-24 Budget: State Appropriations Limit Estimates

Feb 1, 2023 - Specifically, while the state might have more room in years when revenue growth is lower than historical averages—such as this year—over the long term, we expect the state to continue to reach the limit.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Tobacco Tax, Disease Prevention and Children's Health Insurance Act of 2006 (version 2)

The total 87 cents per pack tax is made up of the following components: 10 cents per pack for the state General Fund. 25 cents per pack pursuant to the Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act. This initiative, enacted by the voters as Proposition  99 in 1988, increased the cigarette tax by 25 cents per pack, created the equivalent tax on other tobacco products, and allocated all of the additional funding for a number of health-related purposes.

[PDF] Tobacco Tax, Disease Prevention and Children's Health Insurance Act of 2006 (version 2)

. • 25 cents per pack pursuant to the Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act. This initiative, enacted by the voters as Proposition 99 in 1988, increased the cigarette tax by 25 cents per pack, created the equivalent tax on other tobacco products, and allocated all of the additional funding for a number of health- related purposes.

1,000 percent sales tax on political advertisements. [Ballot]

Oct 28, 2015 - These entities include early childhoo d education providers, K-12 school districts, community colleges, and two public university systems (the California State University and the University of California).

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

In addition the General Fund is reimbursed from the Division of Architecture Public Building Fund by $46,694 for the Fire Marshal's work in inspecting and reviewing public school plans that pass through the division's school plans checking section.

Occupational Wage Growth from 2016 to 2017 [EconTax Blog]

Jul 26, 2018 - Occupational Wage Growth from 2016 to 2017 [EconTax Blog] Occupational Wage Growth from 2016 to 2017 July 26, 2018 Carolyn Chu Last year, we wrote about industry wage growth in California between 1990 and 2016.