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[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

In assembling this budget, the Governor was faced Figure 2 Administration’s General Fund Summary (In Millions) 2014-15 Revised 2015-16 Revised 2016-17 Proposed General Funda Condition Prior-year fund balance $5,356 $3,699 $5,172 Revenues and transfers 111,318 117,537 120,633 Expenditures 112,974 116,064 122,609 Ending fund balance $3,699 $5,172 $3,196 Encumbrances 966 966 966

[PDF] Reducing the Destructiveness of Wildfires: Promoting Defensible Space in California

Local agencies—such as county fire departments and fire protection districts—are primarily responsible for fire protection in LRAs, which include areas such as incorporated cities and agricultural lands.

Supplemental Report of the 2008 Budget Act: 2008-09 Fiscal Year

Long Beach Community College District, Long Beach City College, Pacific Coast Campus —Multidisciplinary Academic Building. The amount of $15,793,000 is provided for construction and equipment to renovate 66,927 total asf in four buildings that comprise the academic core of the campus.

The 2016-17 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

Nov 18, 2015 - Generally, CalWORKs families progress through three consecutive “stages ” over the course of several years, with Stage 1 intended for families seeking employment, Stage 2 for families that have gained stable employment and are transferring off of cash assistance, and Stage 3 for families who have been off of cash assistance for at least two years.

[PDF] Abusive Tax Shelters: Impact of Recent California Legislation

Valuable assets are then transferred to the Roth corporation and subse- quently sold, with no taxes being paid by the Roth corporation. The result is that income from such sales escapes taxation, since no tax was paid on the transfer of the asset and Roth account funds are not taxed upon withdrawal.

[PDF] California Public Higher Education: Funding Supplemental Services for Low-Income and First-Generation Students

Also, because the programs are set in statute and regulations—and funding generally cannot be transferred across programs—the system is not nimble in responding to new information, including changing student needs.

[PDF] Health Care Reform

When this happens, the contribution that the employer would have made to its in-house insurance plan on behalf of that employee is transferred to the pool. This removes incentives that the employer may have had to design an in- house insurance plan in a way that would discourage participation.

[PDF] The 2020-21 Budget: Structuring the Budget

For example, the 2016-17 budget anticipated General Fund revenues (excluding transfers) would total $124.2 billion for that year. That estimate was ultimately too high by about $1 billion, with actual revenues in 2016-17 now estimated to be $123.4 billion.

[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of the Human Services Budget

Figure 6 CalWORKs Budget Summary All Funds (Dollars in Millions) 2015-16 Estimated Change From 2015-16 Amount Percent Cash grants $3,051 $2,963 -$88 -3% Employment services 1,468 1,390 -78 -5 Stage 1 child care 410 394 -16 -4 Administration 494 482 -12 -2 Othera 95 102 7 7 Totals $5,518 $5,331 -$187 -3% a Excludes transfer of federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block