Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Secretary of State

Other than the proposed continuation of $1.7  million in administrative expenses, the budget does not propose or acknowledge the expected receipt of the more than $250  million in additional HAVA funds in the current and budget years combined.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Department of Financial Institutions (2150)

The budget proposes $24  million in expenditures and 215 personnel-years (PYs) for 2004-05. This is $2.1  million, or 9.7  percent, more than estimated current-year expenditures and 17 additional PYs.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Department of Corporations (2180)

The budget proposes total expenditures of $29  million and 276 personnel-years (PYs) in 2004-05. This is $2.1  million, or 7.8  percent, more than estimated current-year expenditures and 32 additional PYs.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Stephen P. Teale Data Center (2780)

The budget proposes $96  million from the TDC Revolving Fund for support of the department in the budget year. This is a decrease of $2.4  million, or 2  percent, below estimated current-year expenditures.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Employment Development Department (7100)

Absent corrective action, the UI fund will develop a shortfall of $1.2  billion by the end of calendar 2004, rising to $2.3  billion by the end of 2005. Despite the estimated deficit, a recently approved federal loan will enable the fund to make required benefit payments without interruption to UI claim ants in the near term.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: California Arts Council (8260)

In the current year, the number of staff was reduced to 19 positions, a 40  percent reduction. The budget proposes to continue the current-year staffing and funding levels. Arts Council Should Seek Private Donations.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: California Department of Food and Agriculture (8570)

The proposed expenditures are $28  million, or 10  percent, below estimated current-year expenditures due to a variety of proposed program reductions. New Funds for Pierce's Disease Not Needed This Year The Pierce's Disease Control Program has a proposed reserve of $7.8  million (37  percent of expenditures) at the end of the budget year.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Control Section 3.60

As a result, the state would pay $1.6  billion in retirement contributions to PERS from operating funds for 2004-05, realizing savings of $929  million in the budget year. All of these savings would accrue to the General Fund.

[PDF] LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Health & Social Services Chapter

The current three-year contract is scheduled to expire as of September 2004. The DHS has the option of authorizing three one-year extensions of the contract at an estimated cost of about $50 million per year ($25 mil- lion General Fund).

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Quality Improvement Fees

Our analysis indicates that, while DHS was unable to implement such a fee in the current fiscal year, progress is b eing made in structuring the fee program so that it will obtain federal approval in time for implementation in the budget year.