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[PDF] 1998 Cal Facts: California's Fiscal Structure

Estate d 0.8% to 16% The estate tax is a "pick-up" tax to take advantage of the maximum state credit al- lowed against the federal estate tax, at no net cost to taxpayers. Cal Facts Fiscal Structure Semi-final.p65 12/11/1998, 9:48 AM20 FISCAL STRUCTURE 21 California's Governments Rely on a Variety of Taxes (continued) State Taxes Current Rate Comments/Description Horse Racing License Fees 0.4% to 2% Fees/taxes are levied on amounts wagered.

1998 Cal Facts Program Trends--Part II

Florida's 1996 rate was the highest among the large states and was 44percent higher than California's rate. California's rate was about 2percent higher than the rate for the other 49 states and the District of Columbia.

1998 Cal Facts State Finances

1998 Cal Facts State Finances Legislative Analyst's Office, December 1998 1998 Cal Facts State Finances State Revenues Anchored by Income and Sales Taxes 1998-99 General Fund revenues account for over three-quarters of total state revenues.

Chapter 1: The Budget Outlook

With regard to state employee compensation, we have included costs associated with the bargaining agreements reached with the four bargaining units to date. We also have included additional COLA adjustments for all state employees equal to inflation for 1999-00 and subsequent years.

Chapter 2: Economics and Demographic Projections

These factors significantly affect both state revenues and expenditures, due t o their impacts on state tax receipts, as well as caseloads and other cost-related factors affecting state programs. This chapter presents our economic and demographic projections for 1998 through 2004, which will help to determine California's fiscal condition over the period 1998-99 through 2003-04.

[PDF] California’s Fiscal Outlook: LAO's Economic and Budget Projections 1998-99 to 2003-04

Although HCFA has approved a new waiver program effective October 1, 1998, the ad- missions freeze will continue until DDS and the Department of Health Services demonstrate in- creased state-level oversight and monitoring of waiver services.

Cal Update August 1998

HEALTHY FAMILIES PROGRAM ENROLLMENT OFF TO A SLOW START July was the initial month of operation for the state's new Healthy Families Program, which offers health coverage for children in families with incomes under 200  percent of the federal poverty level, but above Medi-Cal limits.

Cal Update May 98--Revenues Up Sharply

Revenues Exceed Expectations General Fund revenues from the state's major taxes exceeded the January budget forecast by $1.3 billion in April, primarily reflecting much stronger-than-expected final personal income tax payments.


Such a balanced approach should include measures that will reduce the need for addi- tional prison beds—such as restructuring the state parole system, reform of state sentenc- ing laws, and the expansion and improvement of existing academic, vocational, and Prison Industry Authority programs within the state’s 33 prisons that could reduce inmate recidi- vism.

October Update

State General Fund Revenues Off Slightly Despite concerns over the impacts of recent financial and economic developments on state tax receipts, General Fund receipts during the first quarter of 1998-99 were reasonab ly close to projections.