Results for 서울시 tax

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2012 California Marriage Protection Act

These changes may reduce various state and local tax revenues as it would likely reduce purchases of goods and services related to the performance of weddings —for example, if it reduced the amount of tourism in the state attributable to weddings.

2007 Initiative Analysis: Uninsured Motorist Law Enforcement Act of 2008

Potential, unknown increase in state tax revenue from vehicle insurance purchased by motorists.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Electors Call a Constitutional Convention

Potentially major fiscal changes in state and local governments if voters approve the convention's recommendations, including higher or lower taxes or greater or less spending on particular public programs.

LAO Education

We believe that a fee increase should be an important component of the state’s budget strategy for CCC, as it would leverage more federal funds (in the form of federal tax credits) to mitigate programmatic impacts on CCC instruction and services, while having no negative effect on financially needy students (who do not pay fees).

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; DCSS 5175

Transfers Responsibility for Procurement of the Automation System to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) . Previously, the Health and Human Services Agency Data Center was responsible for procurement. Requires Performance-Based Procurement for the New Statewide Automation System .

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Revenue Limits

In addition, excess tax revenues also should not be included in the consolidation, as this would permanently award the higher funding levels resulting from the high level of property tax revenues to these districts.

[PDF] LAO 1997 Budget Analysis: IV Perspectives on State Expenditures Chapter

Date Savings State Federal Assumed Legislation Action Effective Budget AFDC/TANF Statewide 4.9 percent grant reduction Yes No 11/1/97 160 No COLA Yes No 11/1/97 85 Eliminate grant reduction exemptions Yes No 1/1/98 48 Eliminate renters' credit Yes No 1997 525c Federal Assumptions Reimbursements for illegal immigrant No Yes — $299 incarceration costsd Reimbursements for Medi-Cal costs of No Yes

LAO 2005 Budget Perspectives and Issues: State Fiscal Picture

Second, the year-end reserve balance will be needed in 2006-07, when temporary solutions (such as the two-year diversions of local property taxes and onetime proceeds from pension obligation bonds) expire and past obligations come due.

[PDF] Mortgage loans secured by real property

This could result in lower profitability of lenders and, as a re- sult, reduce the amount of corporation taxes these financial institutions pay to the state. Actual Fiscal Effects Probably Insignificant.

[PDF] Overview of School District Finance

. $4,978 $5,351 $6,397 Revenue Limit Add Ons Necessary Small Schools Subsidizes very small schools, usually in small districts. 34 3,113 8,782 Excess Taxes Refl ects property tax revenues in excess of the amount needed to fund a district’s revenue limit. 23 3,060 8,920 Meals for Needy Pupils/ Beginning Teacher Salary Original add ons: (1) provided funding in lieu