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LAO 2013-14 Budget Analysis Series: Transportation Proposals

However, we have concerns that the proposed budget bill language that would authorize HSRA to transfer funds appropriated for the program management and oversight contract to state administration to fund these additional positions without appropriate legislative oversight.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Major Expenditure Proposals In the 2007-08 Budget

For the community colleges, we provide data showing the large percentage of degree- and transfer-seeking students that fail to graduate or transfer to four-year institutions. To address these issues, we suggest “student success” block grants that would provide incentives to improve while still allowing community colleges flexibility to develop local solutions.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (5225)

The administration also proposes to address prison capacity issues with proposals outside of the capital outlay budget through sentencing law changes that would shift low-level offenders from state prison to county jails; establishing a commission to further review state sentencing laws; beginning work to contract for 4,350 beds for female offenders in the community; and, as noted above, transferring 2,260 inmates to facilities in other states.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Health and Dental Benefits For Annuitants (9650)

The State of New York and New York City have reported unfunded retiree health liabilities of about $50 billion each. The State of California’s retiree health program is similar in size to those of each of these New York governments.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Funding for Transportation Programs

Originally, all of the $4.9 billion was to be transferred to the TCRF by 2005-06. However, due to the state’s fiscal condition in the early 2000s, much of this funding was loaned to the General Fund.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Implementation of the Transportation Bond

For funds provided directly to locals, recipients include cities and counties, as well as transit authorities, ports, harbors, and ferry terminal operators. All Funds to Be Appropriated by Legislature.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Appropriating Proposition 1B Funds

The budget proposes to appropriate $7.7 billion through various Proposition 1B programs to the Department of Transportation (Caltrans), transit agencies, cities and counties, and the Air Resources Board.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: In–Home Supportive Services (5180)

In-Home Supportive Services Task Categories Task Cleaning; dusting; picking up; changing linens; changing light bulbs; taking out garbage Laundry Sorting; washing; hanging; folding; mending; and ironing Shopping and Errands Purchasing groceries, putting them away; picking up prescriptions; buying clothing Meal Preparation Planning menus; preparing food; setting the table Meal Cleanup Washing

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: County Administration and Automation Projects (5180)

In addition, the consortia systems don ’t talk to each other; meaning they do not share data, and caseload information cannot be transferred among consortia systems. These siloed business operations have further divided county human services operations across the state.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Transportation: Background

The higher General Fund expenditures reflect the projected increase in Proposition 42 gasoline sales tax transfers to transportation, resulting from the increase in the state sales tax rate proposed by the Governor.