Results for irish state pension

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[PDF] The National Popular Vote for President Act—Version 2

The national popular vote winner would receive all of the electoral votes of participat- ing states. (If there is a tie regarding the national popular vote winner, then the state would certify the presidential electoral slate that received the plurality of votes in the state.)

[PDF] Domestic Partnership Initiative

For example, domestic partners register with the Secretary of State (SOS) instead of obtaining a license from a county. Proposal This measure states its intention that state law be changed to replace the term “mar- riage” with “domestic partnership.”

[PDF] A Review of the Teacher Layoff Process in California

In layoff policy, California is somewhat more prescriptive than other states, with the majority of states allowing districts more latitude in making layoff determinations. State Law Contains Both State and Local Protections for Teachers.

[PDF] 1950 Budget Analysis: Department of Public Health

The general powers and duties of the state board include the following: (1) Allocate funds to regional boards for necessary administrative expenses. (2). Require any state or local agency to inspect and report on technical factors involved in water pollution. (3) Formulate state-wide policy for control of water pollution. (4) Administer

[PDF] California Petroleum Commission

Fiscal Effect State Costs to Implement Measure. The measure would result in state costs to establish and operate the new California Petroleum Commission based on the regulatory and other program functions required to be carried out by the commission.

[PDF] Homeowners’ and renters’ tax relief.

A key input in the calculation of the minimum guarantee is state tax revenues. Reductions (increases) in state tax revenues tend to reduce (raise) funding for schools and community colleges. Constitution Requires Minimum Annual Debt Payments and Reserve Deposits.

[PDF] California Petroleum Commission

Fiscal Effect State Costs to Implement Measure. The measure would result in state costs to establish and operate the new California Petroleum Commission based on the regulatory and other program functions required to be carried out by the commission.

Allows casino-type gaming in California City and on one Indian reservation

Existing federal law (the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988) authorizes Indian tribes in any state to operate any gambling games that are otherwise legal in the state for any pu rpose, subject to a negotiated agreement with the state.

[PDF] Initiative Letter

Current law limits the amount of political contributions that individuals, organizations, and businesses may give to a state candidate (or to committees that give money to a state candidate).  Independent Expenditure.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Administration's Plan to Restructure State Information Technology Pending

Upon being hired, the CIO would be responsible for designing a new Office of the State Chief Information Officer and redesigning the state's IT practices. By July 1, 1995, the CIO would inherit the state IT responsibilities of the OIT.