Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] The Master Plan at 50: Connecting Financing With Statewide Goals for Higher Education

Or how the sys- tem’s unusually low fees leave much federal American Opportunity Tax Credit funding on the table. Further, the various fi nancial aid programs are not well coordinated with each other.

[PDF] Proposition 98: May Revision Overview

Updated Revenues at May Revision Affect Minimum Guarantee Proposition 98 Funding (In Millions) 2012-13 2013-14 Preschool $481 $481 — $481 $482 — K-12 Education General Fund $33,406 $36,196 $2,790 $36,084 $35,028 -$1,057 Local property tax revenue 13,777 13,773 -5 13,160 13,668 508 Subtotals ($47,183) ($49,968) ($2,786) ($49,244) ($48,696) (-$548) California Community

[PDF] Overview-of-Proposition-98-Budget-Proposals-030515

(Small additional General Fund savings are expected for the next few years until the disposal of assets is complete.)  Some Ongoing Local Property Tax Revenue Provides General Fund Savings  In 2012-13, the state rebenched the guarantee to account for $700 million in new local property tax revenue shifted to schools, providing comparable General Fund savings. 

[PDF] Overview-of-the-Local-Control-Funding-Formula-and-Local-Control-and-Accountability-Plans-031015

LCFF for County Offi ces of Education (COEs) Overview of Local Control Funding Formula for COEs 2014-15 Operations Grant Funding target Base funding of $661,495 per COE. Additional $110,249 per school district in the county.

[PDF] Overview of Adult Education

.  Other providers include county offi ces of education; libraries and community organizations teaching literacy; and various social service, workforce, and other state agencies serving targeted student populations.  Historically, State’s Adult Education System Has Been Fragmented  District-run adult education funded through a state categorical program.  CCC adult education

[PDF] Update on Changes to School Accountability System

.  District LCAPs must be approved by county offi ces of education (COEs). State Accountability System Adopted in 2013 2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E February 15, 2017  2013 Legislation Requires State Board of Education (SBE) to Adopt Evaluation Rubrics  Intended to assess performance of school districts using the performance measures specifi ed in law. 

[PDF] San Diego County Regional Airport Authority: Assessing Governmental Accountability

The City and County of San Francisco owns and operates the San Francisco airport. The City of Chicago owns and operates O’Hare and Midway Airports. County Government. The County of Sacramento owns and operates Sacramento International Airport, Mather Field (cargo air transport), and Franklin Field and Executive Air- ports (general aviation).

[PDF] Financing Parole Realignment: Questions and Answers

Under current law, resources from the half–cent sales tax (almost $3 billion in 2008–09) are allocated to each county based on its share of statewide taxable sales. Counties, in turn, reallocate a small share of these revenues (typically about 6 percent) to cities in the county that sustained a 1993–94 property tax shift.

Federal Expansion of Children's Health Coverage

Specific services and qualifications vary by county. Unknown. State realignment and Proposition 99 funds help finance county indigent care programs. Unknown Potential Medi-Cal Savings. Medi-Cal currently pays major medical costs for many uninsured children with family incomes that are too high to qualify for regular ongoing Medi-Cal coverage.