Results for 서울시 tax

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State and local government taxes and fees. [Ballot]

Jan 11, 2018 - The largest local government tax is the property tax, followed by local sales taxes, utility taxes, hotel taxes, and other taxes. In addition to these taxes, local governments levy a variety of fees and other charges.

Local government taxes and fees. [Ballot]

Jan 11, 2018 - Background Local Taxes and Fees. The largest local government tax is the property tax, followed by local sales taxes, utility taxes, hotel taxes, and other taxes. In addition to these taxes, local governments levy a variety of fees and other charges.

Taxation of commercial property. [Ballot]

Feb 5, 2018 - Property Owners Can Deduct Property Tax Payments From Taxable Income. State law allows property owners to deduct property tax payments from their taxable income for the purposes of calculating PIT and corporation tax payments, effectively reducing t heir tax liability.

Cannabis Tax Revenue Update [EconTax Blog]

May 8, 2018 - Cannabis Tax Revenue Update [EconTax Blog] Seth Kerstein Cannabis Tax Revenue Update In November 2016, California voters approved Proposition 64 , which legalized the nonmedical use of cannabis. As seen in the figure, the state levies two excise taxes on cannabis: a retail excise tax and a cultivation tax.

Assessing Recent Changes to California Competes [Publication Details]

Mar 30, 2020 - Assessing Recent Changes to California Competes [Publication Details] Assessing Recent Changes to California Competes Format: HTML Description: California Competes is an economic development tax incentive program that allows the administration to negotiate tax credit agreements with individual companies that agree to meet multiyear hiring and investment targets.

Funding for students attending private schools and homeschool. [Ballot]

Sep 27, 2021 - Districts pay off these bonds over time with revenue generated by increasing their property tax rates. Other sources of local revenue include donations, parcel taxes, inte rest earnings, and developer fees.

Fiscal Outlook: Estimating Capital Gains Revenue [EconTax Blog]

Nov 14, 2018 - Consequently, capital gains earned by higher-income filers are taxed at higher rates. We estimate the income distribution using historical data on filings from the Franchise Tax Board and apply effective tax rates (liability as a fraction of taxable income after deductions) to income   based on recent patterns.

The 2023-24 Budget: University of California

Feb 15, 2023 - According to UC, the Institute would be an independent research institute funded through a public ‑private partnership and classified for federal tax purposes as a California nonprofit public benefit corporation.

Psilocybin [Ballot]

Dec 26, 2019 - The measure exempts psilocybin sold for religious, therapeutic, or medical purposes from sales taxes. Psilocybin sold for other purposes would be subject to state and local sales taxes. Fiscal Effects Below, we discuss various fiscal effects of the measure.

State Revenue Tracking: Focus on Four Key Months [EconTax Blog]

Jul 18, 2018 - Tax filers who do not prepay all their taxes through paycheck withholding must make quarterly tax payments to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB). Much of these payments come from filers who receive a large share of their income from business income, capital gains, and other non-wage income.