Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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A student’s right to a high-quality public education. [Ballot]

Dec 16, 2022 - Background State Required to Provide a Public School System . The California Constitution requires the state to organize and fund a system of public schools that operates at least six months per year.

[PDF] Public access to state and local government records (Amendment #1).

Upon the filing of a legislative records request, the measure requires the Legislature to (1) determine whether there are disclosable records within ten calendar days or 14 calendar days for extraordinary circumstances, and (2) provide records within 30 calendar days or on a rolling basis but no more than 90 days if there are extraordinary circumstances (such as requiring programming to extract data).

[PDF] Legislative Gifts

For instance, members of the Legislature generally cannot accept gifts totaling more than $390 in a calendar year from any individual or other entity. The re- ceipt of gifts from lobbyists is more restricted—limited to $10 per calendar month.

2011 Initiative Analysis: California Deficit Prevention Act

General Fund revenues would be allocated to the following purposes: 25  Percent to the State Reserve. The measure creates a new account where 25  percent of the excess revenues would be placed, up to a limit of 5 percent of the allowable expenditures in any year.

[PDF] AB 3632 Program

AB 3632 Program (Excluding Related State and Federal Medi-Cal Funding) (In Millions) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 (May Revision) Funding Provided to Counties Federal special education (redirected from schools) $69 $69 $69 $69 Department of Mental Health categoricala 52 104 52 — Department of Social Services Foster Care 48 51 59 70 Mandate reimbursementsb 82 36 na — Funding

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Other Provisions

Sep 23, 2021 - The spending plan includes a one-time appropriation of $25  million General Fund in 2021 ‑22 (available for encumbrance or expenditure until June 30, 2024) for the department to fund technology modernization solutions proposed by state entities.

The 2017-18 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

Feb 9, 2017 - Recommendations Add Mandate and $25  Million, Along With Shifting Associated Apportionment Funding, Into the K ‑12 Mandates Block Grant. We recommend adding the CAASPP mandate to the K ‑12 mandates block grant.

[PDF] The 2021-22 Budget: Public School Restrooms Feminine Hygiene Products Mandate

Removing these higher claims from the data reduces the per-student costs by roughly 25 percent. Commission Undercounts Female Student Enrollment in Applicable Schools. To extrapolate its ongoing per-pupil costs statewide, the Commission multiplies its per-student rates by its estimate of female student enrollment in grades 6-12 at schools with 40 percent or more low-income students (about 919,000).

The 2016-17 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 5, 2016 - (The Chancellor has discretion whether to weight the one –year and two –year measures equally or assign a greater weight to one.) Another 25  percent is based on the district ’s share of all BOG fee waiver recipients.

K-12 Proposition 98 Funding by Program [EdBudget]

Jan 10, 2018 - The bulk of this one-time funding has been for targeted professional development and pilot support programs. d The 2016-17 and 2017-18 amounts include one-time funding for Career Technical Education Incentive Grants for Secondary Schools.