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Criminal Justice (98)
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Results for snohomish county lodging tax in Criminal Justice

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The 2016-17 Budget: Governor’s Criminal Justice Proposals

Feb 22, 2016 - The proposed augmentation would allow CDCR to contract with four additional facilities —three in Los Angeles County and one in San Diego County —to provide an additional 460 beds. In addition, CDCR proposes to increase the amount of time participants can spend in the program from 120  days to 180 days.

Improving California’s Criminal Fine and Fee System

Jan 5, 2016 - The Legislature will want to consider whether to authorize additional sanctions and/or continue or modify existing sanctions (such as wage garnishments, tax liens, or holds on drivers ’ licenses). For example, under current law, collection programs can only direct the Department of Motor Vehicles to suspend the driver ’s license of an offender who fails to pay once .

The 2015-16 Budget: Implementation of Proposition 47 [Publication Details]

Feb 17, 2015 - In this report, we describe the impact of Proposition 47 on state corrections, state courts, and the county criminal justice system, as well as the Governor’s budget proposals related to the proposition.

The 2014-15 Budget: The Administration's Response to the Prison Overcrowding Order [Publication Details]

Feb 28, 2014 - In particular, we recommend using a portion of the monies in the Recidivism Reduction Fund to evaluate the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's current rehabilitative programs and to expand an existing grant program that incentivizes counties to reduce prison admissions.

The 2013-14 Budget: Obtaining Federal Funds for Inmate Medical Care--A Status Report [Publication Details]

Feb 5, 2013 - In particular, the federal court-appointed Receiver overseeing prison medical care has been unable to secure memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with certain counties to enroll inmates in their LIHPs. In addition, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has been unable to process certain claims for federal reimbursement because of technical and quality control problems.

The 2012–13 Budget: Refocusing CDCR After The 2011 Realignment [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 2012 - The 2012–13 Budget: Refocusing CDCR After The 2011 Realignment [Publication Details] Video Description: In 2011, the state enacted several bills to realign to county governments the responsibility for certain felon offenders who previously had been eligible for state prison and parole.

The 2012-13 Budget: The 2011 Realignment of Adult Offenders--An Update [Publication Details]

Feb 22, 2012 - Perhaps the most significant programmatic change implemented as part of the 2011 realignment was realigning to county governments the responsibility for managing and supervising certain felon offenders who previously had been eligible for state prison and parole.

The 2012-13 Budget: Completing Juvenile Justice Realignment [Publication Details]

Feb 15, 2012 - The Governor would provide counties with an unspecified level of funding to manage wards who would otherwise have been committed to DJJ after that date, as well as $10 million in planning grants in the current year.

Completing the Goals of Trial Court Realignment [Publication Details]

Sep 28, 2011 - Completing the Goals of Trial Court Realignment [Publication Details] Video Description: Historically, counties had the primary responsibility for (1) funding the trial courts, (2) constructing and maintaining court facilities, and (3) employing most court employees.

Governor's May Revision Proposal to Shift Certain Offenders to County Jails [Publication Details]

May 26, 2010 - Governor's May Revision Proposal to Shift Certain Offenders to County Jails [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.