Results for irish state pension

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Impact of COVID-19 on Health Care Access

May 7, 2021 - The remaining 14  million state residents generally obtain health care coverage from insurers (usually PPOs) overseen by the state Department of Insurance (6  million state residents), Medicare fee-for-service (around 3.5  million state residents), Medi-Cal fee-for-service (over 1  million state residents), or are uninsured (between 2  million and 3  million state residents).

COVID-19: American Rescue Plan’s Major Health-Related Funding Provisions

May 6, 2021 - Opting in would bring new state (as well as federal) costs of an unknown amount. However, a portion of any new state costs likely would be offset by state savings from the federal government beginning to share in the cost of the extended postpartum coverage that the state currently offers to women with mental health conditions.

COVID-19: American Rescue Plan’s Major Health-Related Funding Provisions [Publication Details]

May 6, 2021 - This post highlights the health-related provisions of the ARP Act that provide significant funding directly to state/local health care and public health agencies, rural hospitals, home- and community-based services programs, subsidized individual market health coverage programs, and public behavioral health services.

How Did the State Respond to the Last Major Drought? [Publication Details]

May 5, 2021 - How Did the State Respond to the Last Major Drought? [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Estimated Cost of Expanding Full-Scope Medi-Cal Coverage to All Otherwise-Eligible Californians Regardless of Immigration Status

May 5, 2021 - We did not take into account the fiscal impact of any change in other state and local health care programs that might occur due to this coverage expansion. For example, our caseload estimate generally assumes no major changes in the overall size of the state ’s undocumented population.

A Framework for Allocating Federal Recovery Funds [Publication Details]

May 4, 2021 - Moreover, beyond a relatively broad set of pandemic-related parameters, the ARP likely provides states with considerable flexibility over how to allocate the funds, presenting the Legislature with a unique opportunity.

A Framework for Allocating Federal Recovery Funds

May 4, 2021 - Furthermore, robust revenue trends in recent months point to a potentially sizeable state budget surplus —independent of the federal funds. As we highlighted in our recent report , the state’s present fiscal trajectory puts it on a course to exceed the constitutional state appropriations limit (SAL).

Third Round of Federal Higher Education Relief Funding

May 3, 2021 - Figure 1 First Two Rounds Provided $4.9 Billion for Higher Education in California (In Millions) $776 $4,908 a Figure excludes $54 million from the Coronavirus Relief Fund allocated to the California Community Colleges as part of the state ’s 2020 ‑21 budget package.

March 2021 Jobs Report [EconTax Blog]

Apr 29, 2021 - The figure below shows how employment has evolved in both the state and the nation since the start of the pandemic. Overall employment in the state as of the middle of  March  was 8.6 percent below the level of February 2020, considerably worse than the national figure of 5.5 percent.

Overview of Federal Relief for K-12 Education and Child Care [Publication Details]

Apr 29, 2021 - Since March 2020, the federal government has passed three relief packages that assist K-12 schools and child care providers in their response to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. This post provides a brief summary of how the three federal relief packages affect K-12 education and child care and describes how the state has used these federal funds, as of April 2021.