Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] State Spending Plan for 1993-94: The 1993 Budget Act and Related Legislation

Finally, the number of prison inmates has been running slightly ahead of budget estimates, which will add about $25 million to corrections spending. IMPACT OF ADJUSTMENTS ON THE 1994-95 BUDGET PLAN Figure 3 shows the effect of the adjustments that we have identified on the two-year budget plan.

[PDF] As a result, the Department of Education . developed program

As a result, the Department of Education . developed program guidelines which reduced local enroll- ments by almost 25 percent over a four year period. This plan called for a reduction in state-supported enrollment of 6y'& percent per year in dis~ tricts with 51 or more gifted students, an,d was implemented in the 1977-78 school year_ .

[PDF] Tribal Nature-Based Solutions Funding

Tribal Programs in Nature-Based Solutions Package General Fund (In Millions) Program Department 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Total Tribal Nature-Based Solutions Program CNRA $70 $30 — $100 Local and Tribal Nature-Based Solutions Corps CCC 38 11 — 49 Tribal staffing CNRA 1 1 1 3 Totals $109 $42 $1 $152 CNRA = California Natural Resources Agency and CCC = California Conservation Corps.

The 2022-23 Budget: In-Home Supportive Services

Feb 2, 2022 - This year ‑to ‑year increase in General Fund reflects a much faster rate of cost growth relative to prior budget estimates. The main reason for the year ‑to ‑year General Fund cost increase is the anticipated ramp down of temporary increases to federal Medicaid funds (largely associated with the public health emergency) that were used to offset General Fund costs in the IHSS program in 2021 ‑22.

[PDF] Final Summary of Major Financial Legislation Enacted During 1986

The act sets the annual interest rate for the loans, in both programs, at half the interest rate paid by the state on general obligation bonds in the calendar year in which the loan agreement is executed.

2001 Budget Analysis Condition of Transportation Funds

In the budget year, DOF estimates these two sources will total about $132 million. New Revenue Sources and High Fuel Prices Provide Substantial New PTA Funds. Due to the combination of high fuel prices over the past calendar year and the infusion of additional funds under TCRP, DOF projects PTA to have more than sufficient funds to cove r

The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: The State Appropriations Limit

Sep 30, 2022 - Districts currently set aside approximately $2.2  billion per year related to this requirement. These funds meet the definition of capital outlay for SAL purposes, and so the spending plan adopts a plan to require school districts to exclude this spending from their limits.

2001 Budget Analysis: Public Utilities Commission (8660)

The California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) subsidizes telephone service for various entities —50 percent for schools and libraries, 25 percent for community-based organizations, and 20 percent for city- and county-owned hospitals and clinics.

[PDF] California Spending Plan, 2006-07

The 2006-07 Budget Package 25 Monies Paid Over Seven‑Year Period. The $2.9 billion is to be paid in in- stallments over a seven-year period (2007-08 through 2013-14). The state is to make a first payment of $300 million in 2007-08.

2000 Budget Analysis: Res CC Cal-EPA

Because statute requires DTSC to be reimburs ed by school districts for this work, DTSC will fill positions based on the reimbursable workload from school districts that actually develops in the budget year.