Results for snohomish county lodging tax from the current year

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The 2024-25 Budget: California Community Colleges

Feb 21, 2024 - Shortfalls can occur as a result of colleges generating lower ‑than ‑budgeted enrollment fee revenue or local property tax revenue. The provisional budget language allows the Chancellor ’s Office to redirect unearned growth funds in this way after underlying apportionment data has been finalized, which occurs after the close of the fiscal year.

The 2024-25 Budget: Crafting Climate, Resources, and Environmental Budget Solutions

Feb 14, 2024 - The  Legislature  has  flexibility around how it is able to direct GGRF revenues because the program was authorized in a way that is akin to a tax, meaning the funds can legally be used for broad purposes.

The 2024-25 Budget: Proposition 98 and K-12 Education

Feb 15, 2024 - (COE LCFF is determined partially by ADA, as well as several other factors, including the number of school districts and students that are enrolled within the county in which they operate.) For funding purposes, the state credits school districts and COEs with their ADA in the current year, prior year, or rolling average of three prior years, whichever is higher.

Assessing Early Implementation of Urban Water Use Efficiency Requirements

Jan 4, 2024 - Many urban water suppliers are public entities —such as cities, counties, or special districts —while some are private investor ‑owned utilities. Public water suppliers serve about eight in ten Californians.