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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in K-12 Education from the past 5 years

135 results

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The 2019-20 Budget: Proposition 98 Analysis [Publication Details]

Feb 13, 2019 - Specifically, we analyze his proposals for (1) the Local Control Funding Formula, (2) special education, (3) county offices of education, (4) education mandates, and (5) school facilities. (2/14/19 -- Adjusted when Proposition 51 funding would be exhausted given proposed pace of bond sales.)

The 2019-20 Budget: Proposition 98 Analysis

Feb 13, 2019 - The state typically covers 60  p ercent of the cost of renovating facilities that are at least 25 years old. For both types of projects, the state can contribute up to 100  p ercent of project costs if districts face challenges in raising their local shares.

California's Education System: A 2019 Guide [Publication Details]

Feb 6, 2019 - This report is a visual guide that covers every major area of California’s education system, with chapters on early education, K-12 education, adult precollegiate education, undergraduate education, graduate education, and education facilities. Throughout the report, we rely almost entirely upon state and federal government data sources and cite the most readily available data.

The 2019-20 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Proposition 98 Budget Package

Jan 16, 2019 - The administration indicates schools may use these funds for either (1) special education services for students with disabilities or (2) early intervention programs for students not currently receiving special education services.

The 2019-20 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 14, 2019 - Separate from his proposals to pay down the CalSTRS unfunded liability, the Governor proposes providing $ 700  m illion over the next two years ($ 350  m illion per year) to provide school and community college districts immediate budget relief.