Results for quezon city transfer of ownership from the past 5 years

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Need-Based Financial Aid Award Amounts [EdBudget]

Jan 16, 2019 - The Cal Grant A and B tuition award for nonprofit schools in 2019-20 is conditioned on the nonprofit sector enrolling 2,000 students with an associate degree for transfer. If the sector fails to meet this target, its tuition award is scheduled to drop to $8,056.

The 2021-22 Budget: “Cradle to Career” Data System

Mar 26, 2021 - This platform transfers student ‑level course, grade, and certain other data files (such as degrees earned) electronically across California ’s higher education segments. Most of these electronic transcripts are for community college students applying for transfer admission to CSU or the University of California (UC).

The 2023-24 Budget: In-Home Supportive Services

Mar 2, 2023 - Consequently, these savings were transferred to the HCBS ARP Fund and spent on federally approved HCBS enhancements and expansions. California ’s various HCBS enhancements and expansions had to be included in the state ’s HCBS spending plan that was ultimately approved by the federal government.

The 2019-20 May Revision: LAO Revenue Outlook

May 12, 2019 - Our estimates of General Fund revenues and transfers for the “budget window ” —2017 ‑18 through 2019 ‑20 —are $774  million (0.2  percent) above the administration ’s May 2019 revenue forecast. Figure  1 displays our General Fund revenue outlook through 2022 ‑23.

The 2019-20 Budget: Overview of the California Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 17, 2019 - The budget package creates new incentives for cities and counties to adopt pro ‑housing policies. Cities and counties that adopt these policies would receive additional points in the scoring of their applications for certain state grant programs.

Taxing very high-income taxpayers and dedicating revenues to pandemic prevention. [Ballot]

Nov 5, 2021 - The California Departmen t of Public Health (CDPH) works closely with the state ’s 61 local public health departments (58 county and three city departments) to promote public health across California.

Proposition 22 [Ballot]

Nov 3, 2020 - This measure limits the ability of cities and counties to place additional rules on rideshare and delivery companies. Fiscal Effects Whether rideshare and delivery drivers are employees or independent contractors is still being decided in the courts.

The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: The State Appropriations Limit

Sep 30, 2022 - For example, for 2021-22, total SAL revenues and transfers increased from $223  billion at Governor ’s budget to $256  billion at May Revision. As the figure shows, however, the May Revision did not reflect excess revenues across 2020-21 and 2021-22 because the administration also proposed a significant amount of new SAL-excludable spending, much of which was scored to 2021-22, that reduced appropriations subject to the limit.

State and local government tax rules. [Ballot]

Nov 22, 2021 - State law requires increases in local taxes to receive approval of the local governing body —for example, a city council or county board of supervisors —as well as approval of voters in that local jurisdiction.

The 2022-23 Budget: Overview of the Spending Plan

Oct 12, 2022 - The budget package includes roughly $1.1  billion General Fund (transferred into the California Emergency Relief Fund) in 2021 ‑22 to provide one ‑time retention payments to eligible workers in certain health care facilities, including hospitals and skilled nursing facilities.