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Results for snohomish county lodging tax in K-12 Education from the past 5 years

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Updating Special Education Out-of-Home Care Funding

Feb 23, 2021 - In 2019, counties began using CANS assessments as part of the CFT process. As of fall 2020, counties are using slightly different versions of the CANS assessments and are in different stages of automating the assessment process.

The 2022-23 Budget: California College Guidance Initiative

Feb 22, 2022 - The  state currently funds CCGI as part of the California Department of Education ’s (CDE ’s) budget, with Riverside County Office of Education (COE) and the nonprofit Foundation for California Community Colleges acting as intermediaries.

The 2023-24 Budget: Equity Multiplier and Accountability Proposals

Feb 23, 2023 - LCAP = Local Control and Accountability Plan; COEs = county offices of education; and CCEE = California Collaborative for Educational Excellence. Creates an Equity Lead in System of Support. Through a competitive process, CDE and CCEE would identify two to four LEAs across the state to serve as equity leads.

Climate Change Impacts Across California - K-12 Education

Apr 5, 2022 - The Legislature also could consider funding emergency management planning grants for districts and county offices of education (COEs) —specifically those that face the greatest risk and/or might have less capacity to prepare and respond to climate threats without state assistance.

The 2019-20 Budget: Proposition 98 Analysis [Publication Details]

Feb 13, 2019 - Specifically, we analyze his proposals for (1) the Local Control Funding Formula, (2) special education, (3) county offices of education, (4) education mandates, and (5) school facilities. (2/14/19 -- Adjusted when Proposition 51 funding would be exhausted given proposed pace of bond sales.)

The 2023-24 Budget: Proposition 98 Overview and K-12 Spending Plan

Feb 7, 2023 - The measure allocates 70  percent of its funding to school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education through a formula based on prior ‑year enrollment of students in preschool, transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and grade 1 through grade 12.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Child Care and Preschool

Dec 17, 2021 - The 2021-22 budget package also provides $130  million Proposition  98 General Fund to increase State Preschool slots for school districts and county offices of education. Increases Rates for Child Care and Preschool Programs .

Early Budget Actions to Support In-Person K-12 Instruction and Address Learning Loss

Apr 23, 2021 - Funding is allocated to local education agencies (LEAs) —school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education —based on their share of total 2020 ‑21 Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) allotments.

The 2022-23 Budget: Educator Workforce Proposals

Feb 23, 2022 - Between 2001 and 2004, the state funded the Teacher Recruitment Incentive Program which established six county offices of education (COEs) as regional teacher recruitment centers to recruit teachers for low ‑performing schools.

The 2021-22 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

Nov 18, 2020 - Recent Data on Tax Collections and Expenditures Consistent With Economic Picture. Recent data on actual tax collections and program caseloads have been consistent with a more positive economic picture, especially among high ‑income Californians.