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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in General Government from the past 5 years

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The 2020-21 Spending Plan: Housing and Homelessness

Oct 8, 2020 - This action authorizes an additional year of the tax credit that was originally provided in 2019 ‑20 for 2020 ‑21. This additional tax expenditure brings total credits to $1  billion across the past two years.

The 2023-24 Budget: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control [Publication Details]

Feb 24, 2023 - In this post, we assess and make recommendations on the Governor’s budget proposal to (1) provide additional resources to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to support its licensing, enforcement, education, and grant programs and (2) transfer to the ABC Fund $48.5 million General Fund over three years that was previously appropriated to the department for a fee waiver program.

Broad-Based Cash Assistance in COVID-19 Recovery Actions

Apr 3, 2020 - Expected to Provide Roughly $25  Billion to Californians. Using tax data from 2017 (the latest available, although not perfectly representative of 2018 and 2019 returns), we roughly estimate about 14  million California households (or about 85  percent of all tax filers) will be eligible to receive a total of about $25 ‑30  billion in direct cash assistance from the CARES Act.

The 2019-20 Budget: The Governor’s Proposed Supplemental Pension Payment to CalPERS

Mar 4, 2019 - The state ’s contributions have been rising (due to actuarial assumption changes and lower-than-assumed investment returns) and are expected to continue to rise over the next several years. Specifically, the state ’s CalPERS pension contributions are expected to increase by more than 25  percent between now and 2023 ‑24.

The 2019-20 Budget: Office of Emergency Services

Mar 13, 2019 - The federal government typically requires a 25  p ercent nonfederal cost share. State Expected to Receive Over $1   Billion in HMGP Funds for 2017 and 2018 Disasters. Due to the scale of the disasters —especially wildfires —experienced in 2017 and 2018, the state received a number of Presidential Major Disaster Declarations and is anticipated to receive several billions of dollars in federal assistance for disaster response and recovery activities.

The 2022-23 Budget: California Department of Technology

Feb 22, 2022 - However, we understand from CDT that it cannot accurately forecast either its revenues from or expenditures on services over a three ‑year period because demand can change significantly year over year.

A Review of LifeLine Budget Estimates and Enrollment Process

Apr 3, 2019 - However, the national average LifeLine take ‑up rate is about 25  p ercent, and California has the highest estimated take ‑up rate of any state in the country. This is likely in large part because California offers the largest monthly subsidy of any state.

The 2022-23 Budget: Secretary of State Request to Waive Business Filing Fees

Feb 7, 2022 - That being said, lowering fees creates risk that the special fund might not have sufficient resources in a particular year. This is demonstrated by the volatility in revenues to the fund. For example, between 2011 ‑12 and 2020 ‑21, year ‑over ‑year growth in revenues ranged from a 40  percent increase in revenues between 2013 ‑14 and 2014 ‑15

The 2020-21 Budget: Department of General Services

Feb 12, 2020 - Department Overview The DGS provides a variety of services to state departments, such as procurement, management of state ‑owned and leased real estate, management of the state ’s vehicle fleet, printing, administrative hearings, legal and fiscal services, development of building standards, and oversight over school construction.

COVID-19 Disaster Declarations and Funding Implications

Mar 24, 2020 - Most notably, the state must agree to provide a 25  percent funding match. (The federal government covers the remaining 75  percent of eligible costs.) In addition to making California and other states eligible for additional funding, the President ’s emergency declaration also has some other key implications.