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Propositions 12 and 13--Parks and Water Bonds: Implementation Issues

May 25, 2000 - The two bond measures provide for a major investment in the state's natural resources. The purpose of the report is to identify actions the Legislature can take to ensure that the bond measures are implemented effectively, efficiently, and consistent with the Legislature's goals in enacting the measures. We also recommend actions to provide accountability for bond-funded expenditures.


Governor's Traffic Congestion Relief Plan Issues to Consider

May 24, 2000 - This is assessment of the Governor's Traffic Congestion Relief Plan presented to the Conference Committee on Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Development. The assessment identifies a number of issues that require legislative consideration, including: the need for ongoing funding, local flexibility in the use of funds, and coordination with air quality programs.


Overview of the 2000-01 May Revision

May 17, 2000 - The May Revision has many positive elements, including significant new funds for infrastructure (primarily one-time) and education. It also preserves the state's future fiscal flexibility by avoiding excessive ongoing commitments. The revision, however, has many proposals which lack specificity and/or delegate too much authority to the administration. It also misses opportunities to provide ongoing funding for infrastructure and state-local finance reform.


California Travels: Financing Our Transportation

May 11, 2000 - What is being done to address California's transportation problems? What are the fund sources and how much money is currently available? How are these funds distributed and who decides how dollars are spent? This graphically intensive publication seeks to answer these and other related questions.


The 2000-01 Senate Budget Bill SB 1344 (Peace) As Adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee

May 8, 2000 - A summary of the Senate Budget Bill as adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee.


Budget, Taxes, and Spending

May 5, 2000 - A slide presentation composed of graphics highlighting trends in several areas including demographics, California's economy, state expenditures and revenues, and taxation.


Extended School Year Program At Compton Unified School District: Report on Program Effectiveness

May 2, 2000 - The district has been unable to provide complete and reliable data to permit evaluation of the impact of the ESY program on student achievement. We recommend that the Legislature extend the program for two years, sharing the cost with the district.


The State Appropriations Limit

April 12, 2000 - California's state appropriations limit (SAL)--which grows annually by a population and cost-of-living factor--places an "upper bound" each year on the amount of monies that can be spent from state tax proceeds. The SAL has not been a constraint throughout the 1990s. It could again become one if current revenue trends continue.


California's Extraordinary Revenue Developments

April 6, 2000 - General Fund revenues have been accumulating at a dramatic pace in early 2000. If current strong trends continue through the end of the year, revenues in 1999-00 will exceed the administration's January budget forecast by more than $4 billion and our own February estimate by $2 billion. Our updated forecast of the state's fiscal condition for the current and budget years will be published following the May Revision. (Cal Update)


Governor's Proposals on Teacher Recruitment and Retention SB 1505 (Alarcon)

March 29, 2000 - Handout accompanying testimony given to Senate Education Committee.


Governor's Proposals on Advanced Placement Courses SB 1504 (Escutia)

March 29, 2000 - Handout accompanying testimony given to Senate Education Committee.


Governor's Proposals on Merit Scholarships and Algebra Academies SB 1503 (Polanco)

March 29, 2000 - Handout accompanying testimony given to Senate Education Committee.


Governor's Proposal on Education Technology AB 1942 (Reyes)

March 29, 2000 - Handout accompanying testimony given to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance


Major Milestones: 43 Years of Care and Treatment Of the Mentally Ill

March 8, 2000 - The past 43 years in California have seen significant changes in the care and treatment of the mentally ill. We highlights the major events that have altered the administration and funding of the programs for the mentally ill since 1957.


A Management Study of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

February 29, 2000 - As submitted by MGT of America. The consultant conducted a comprehensive management study of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) credentialing processes.