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Budget Package--AB 425 and Related Trailer Bills

July 1, 2002 - Budget Package 2002-03


The 2002-03 Assembly Budget Bill--AB 1777 (Oropeza)--As Adopted by the Budget Committee

May 30, 2002 - A summary of the Assembly Budget Bill as adopted by the Budget Committee.


The 2002-03 Senate Budget Bill--SB 1261 (Peace)--As Adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee

May 29, 2002 - A summary of the Senate Budget Bill as adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee.


Various Proposition 98 Options

April 24, 2002 - Handout presented to the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 1. Examines various proposition 98 options.


Legislative Analyst's Office Staff Guide, 2001

December 1, 2001 - This report summarizes a recent report measuring how well the state's universities are meeting their eligibility targets as called for in the state's Master Plan. This is one of a series of issue briefs examining important questions about higher education funding in California. For more information on this topic, or to request other briefs from this series, contact the Legislative Analyst’s Office Higher Education section at (916) 319-8339, or visit our website at


2001-02 Budget Bill Conference Committee Version

June 26, 2001 - A summary of the Budget Bill as adopted by the Conference Committee.


2001-02 Budget Conference Committee Overview

June 3, 2001 - Handout presented to the 2001-02 Conference Committee on the Budget. Compares key features of the budgets adopted by the two houses and outlines key considerations for the committee.


The 2001-02 Senate Budget Bill--SB 75 (Peace)--As Adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee

May 29, 2001 - A summary of the Senate Budget Bill as adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee.


The 2001-02 Assembly Budget Bill AB 95 (Cardenas) As Adopted by the Budget Committee

May 25, 2001 - A summary of the Assembly Budget Bill as adopted by the Budget Committee.


Overview of Education Components in the 2001-02 Governor's Budget

January 17, 2001 - This handout, prepared for a Joint Hearing of the Assembly and Senate Education Committees, provides an overview of the K-12 Education component of the 2001-02 Governor's Budget.


An Overview of Proposition 37

October 2, 2000 - A Handout presented on September 29, 2000, to Senate Committee on Revenue and Taxation, Senate Committee on Environmental Quality, and Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation.


Summary of the 2000-01 Budget Bill: Conference Committee Version

June 15, 2000 - Highlights of the 2000-02 Budget Bill as adopted by the Conference Committee.


The 2000-01 Assembly Budget Bill AB 1740 (Ducheny) As Adopted by the Budget Committee

May 26, 2000 - Highlights of the Assembly Budget Bill as adopted by the Budget Committee.


Governor's Traffic Congestion Relief Plan Issues to Consider

May 24, 2000 - This is assessment of the Governor's Traffic Congestion Relief Plan presented to the Conference Committee on Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Development. The assessment identifies a number of issues that require legislative consideration, including: the need for ongoing funding, local flexibility in the use of funds, and coordination with air quality programs.


The 2000-01 Senate Budget Bill SB 1344 (Peace) As Adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee

May 8, 2000 - A summary of the Senate Budget Bill as adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee.