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Results for ab%2032 in Health

26 results

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The 2023-24 California Spending Plan: Health

Oct 23, 2023 - The program is set to sunset in January 2032. In addition to creating this program, the early action legislation enhances existing hospital financial reporting requirements to HCAI to better identify which hospitals are experiencing financial distress.

The 2024-25 Budget: Department of Health Care Access and Information

Feb 27, 2024 - As part of early action trailer bill legislation (Chapter  6 of 2023 [AB  112, Committee on Budget]), the Legislature created the Distressed Hospital Loan Program. The program provides interest-free loans to public and private nonprofit hospitals experiencing financial distress.

Mental Health Services Act: Proposed Bond to Fund Behavioral Health Facilities and Veterans Housing

Aug 17, 2023 - Most relevant to AB  531, the proposals include $25  billion for home ownership and construction (SB  834 [Portantino]), $10  billion for affordable rental housing and home ownership programs (AB  1657 [Wicks]), and $5.2  billion for substance use treatment and other behavioral health programs (AB  1510 [Jones-Sawyer]).

The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Health

Oct 24, 2022 - Eliminate Certain AB  97 Provider Rate Reductions. The spending plan includes $9  million General Fund ($19.6  million total funds) to eliminate certain provider rate reductions (commonly referred to as the “AB  97 provider rate reductions ”), including those for nurses, chronic dialysis clinics, respiratory care providers, blood banks, psychologists, and various others.

Mental Health Services Act: Impact of Governor's Proposal on Funding for Children and Youth

Aug 10, 2023 - The Governor’s proposal is reflected in (1) SB 326 (Eggman), as amended on July 13, 2023, which would make far-reaching changes to the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), and (2) AB 531 (Irwin), as amended June 19, 2023, which proposes a $4.7 billion bond for behavioral health facilities and housing for veterans.

The 2023-24 Budget: Assessment of Covered California Budget Solution

Feb 13, 2023 - As part of the 2021 ‑22 budget package, Chapter  143 of 2021 (AB  133, Committee on Budget) moved $333.4  million of this freed-up General Fund to the Health Care Affordability Reserve Fund (HCARF) to support future affordability efforts in Covered California.

The 2023-24 Budget: Department of Developmental Services

Feb 15, 2023 - Chapter  3 of 2016 (AB X2  1, Thurmond.) provided DDS $11  million General Fund annually to support grants for service providers to modify their programs and services to make them compliant with the final HCBS rule.

Mental Health Services Act: Revenue Volatility and the Governor’s Proposal to Reduce Allowable County Reserves

Jul 13, 2023 - The proposal is currently moving through the Legislature in two companion bills —SB  326 (Eggman) and AB  531 (Irwin). Specifically, the Governor proposes a general obligation bond for the March  2024 ballot that would raise $4.7  billion.

Assessing Recent State Efforts: Health Care for the "Hard-to-Insure" [Publication Details]

Dec 7, 2005 - While we found there is now only limited information available to assess the outcome of various aspects of AB 1401, we concluded the measure has increased the state’s capacity to help hard-to-insure individuals access health coverage using the same level of state resources.

AB 3632 Mental Health Services [Publication Details]

Jan 26, 2011 - AB 3632 Mental Health Services [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.