July 2019

K-12 Education

Changes in K-12 Education Spending

Proposition 98, Settle-Up, and Reappropriated Funds (In Millions)

  Action Amount
Changes in Ongoing Spending    
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Provides 3.26 percent COLA to general purpose funding for school districts and charter schools. $1,959.3
Preschool-aged children with disabilities Provides grants to school districts for every three- and four-year old they serve who has a disability. 492.7
SELPA funding Increases special education funding for the lowest funded SELPAs to the statewide target rate. 153.0
Select categorical programs Provides 3.26 percent COLA to special education, child nutrition, mandates block grant, services for foster youth, adults in correctional facilities, and American Indian education. 140.9
After School Safety and Education Increases the funding rate for after school programs from $8.19 to $8.87 per student per day. 50.0
County offices of education (COEs) Provides a 3.26 percent COLA for those COEs funded at their LCFF targets. 44.2
Other Provides $300,000 ongoing to add Cal Grant reporting requirements to the mandates block grant. Also provides $178,000 in 2019-20 ($154,000 ongoing) to the San Joaquin County Office of Education to maintain the School Accountability Report Card and School Dashboard databases. 0.5
     Subtotal   ($2,840.6)
One-Time Initiatives    
Property tax backfill Backfills San Francisco Unified School District for previous misallocation of local property tax revenue. $149.1
Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program Provides state matching funds for classified employees who opt to withhold a portion of their income earned during the school year to be paid out in the summer. 36.0
Three 2018-19 initiatives Shifts funding from the non-Proposition 98 to Proposition 98 side of the budget. Involves facility projects at the San Francisco Unified and Sweetwater Union High school districts as well as funding for suicide prevention training. 7.7
Operating grants for two fiscally distressed districts Provides special grants to Inglewood Unified School District ($3.6 million) and Oakland Unified School District ($514,000). 4.1
Standardized school district accounting system Funds the next phase of an IT project to upgrade the electronic system that schools use to report their revenues and expenditures to the state. 3.0
Southern California Regional Occupational Center Provides third of four installments to support general operations at the center. 2.0
Basic aid districts backfill Backfills basic aid districts experiencing lower funding levels due to recent wildfires. 2.0
School meal programs Reimburses schools closed due to disaster for salaries and other costs associated with operating school meal programs. 0.7
Homeless student services Backfills San Diego Unified School District for temporary loss of federal funding for homeless student services. 0.5
Breakfast After the Bell Provides grants to cover costs associated with starting or expanding programs serving breakfast after the school day starts. 0.5
Translations Provides $24,000 to translate the School Accountability Report Card and School Dashboard into Vietnamese, Mandarin, and Filipino. They are currently available in English and Spanish. 0.0
     Subtotal   ($205.7)
Total   $3,046.3
COLA = cost-of-living adjustment. SELPA = Special Education Local Planning Area. IT = information technology.