July 2019

K-12 Education

Core Funding for County Offices of Education

(Dollars in Millions)

  2017-18 Finala 2018-19 Revisedb 2019-20 Enactedb Change from 2018-19
  Amount Percent
LCFF district support grant $454 $465 $480 $15 3.1%
LCFF alternative education grant 244 250 259 8 3.3   
2012-13 hold harmless funding 197 186 172 -14 -7.7   
2012-13 minimum state aid funding 119 127 134 6 4.9   
Support for low-performing districts 66 75 9 13.6   
Former HTST and TIIG programs 31 31 31    
Add-on for COEs at target in 2017-18 7 7 7 c 3.3   
Other add-onsd 3 3 3    
   Total $1,054 $1,136 $1,160 $24 2.1%
a Reflects annual apportionment as reported by the California Department of Education.
b Reflects the administration's estimates as adopted in the 2019-20 budget plan.
c The 2019-20 budget includes a $234,000 augmentation to provide a cost-of-living adjustment to this add-on.
d Consists of $2 million to support the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles County and $771,000 to ensure every COE receives at least $200 per pupil from the Education Protection Account.
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula. HTST = Home-to-School Transportation. TIIG = Targeted Instructional Improvement Block Grant. COEs = County Offices of Education.