July 2019

K-12 Education

Breakdown of Special Education Spending

Proposition 98 General Fund (Dollars in Millions)

Program Description 2017-18
Change from 2018-19
Amount Percent
AB 602 Per‑student funding for any special education expense. $3,221 $3,198 $3,412 $215a 6.7
Preschool Per-child funding for three- and four-year olds with disabilities. - - 493 493 -
Mental health services Per‑student funding for mental health services provided to students with disabilities. 365 374 386 12 3.1
Out‑of‑Home Care Additional funding for SELPAs with Licensed Children’s Institutions. 140 140 144 4 2.6
SELPA administration Per‑student funding to support data collection, reporting, and other administrative tasks. - 97 100 3 3.3
Infants and toddlers Funding for schools to provide services to children with disabilities age two and under. 78 80 83 3 3.5
Workability Funding for employment training and job placement for older students with disabilities. 40 40 40 - -
Low-incidence disabilities Additional funding for SELPAs that serve students who are deaf, hard of hearing, visually impaired, or orthopedically impaired. 18 18 19 1 3.1
Technical assistance leads Funding for seven SELPAs to provide statewide services intended to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.b - 10 10 - -
Extraordinary cost pools Partial reimbursement for certain exceptionally costly services for students with severe disabilities placed in certain settings. 6 6 6 - -
Necessary Small SELPAs Additional funding for SELPAs serving counties with fewer than 15,000 students overall. 3 3 3 0c 3.8
Other Ongoing funding for personnel training and previous court settlement. 3 3 3 - -
Total   $3,875 $3,969 $4,698 $730 18.4%
a Of this amount, $153 million is to raise the funding rates for relatively low-funded SELPAs. The remainder is for a 3.26 percent COLA.
b Funding allocated to El Dorado County SELPA, Riverside County SELPA, West San Gabriel Valley SELPA, Imperial County SELPA, Marin County SELPA, Placer County SELPA, and South County SELPA.
c Amount is less than $500,000.
COLA = cost-of-living adjustment. SELPA = Special Education Local Plan Area.