July 2019

Financial Aid

Cal Grant Spending

(Dollars in Millions)

Change From 2018-19
Amount Percent
Total Spending $2,105 $2,266 $2,548 $282 12.4%
By Segment:          
University of California $953 $1,012 $1,072 $60 6.0%
California State University 733 793 899 106 13.4
Private nonprofit institutions 237 264 285 21 8.1
California Community Colleges 157 171 261 90 52.7
Private for-profit institutions $24 $26 $30 4 16.4
Other public institutions a a a a a
By Program:          
High School Entitlement $1,717 $1,882 $2,022 $140 7.4%
CCC Transfer Entitlement 217 230 259 29 12.7
Competitive 161 143 251 108 75.5
Cal Grant C 9 11 15 5 46.9
By Award Type:          
Cal Grant A $1,169 $1,252 $1,323 $71 5.6%
Cal Grant B 927 1,003 1,209 206 20.6
Cal Grant C 9 11 15 5 46.9
By Renewal or New:          
Renewal $1,478 $1,598 $1,766 $168 10.5%
New 627 667 781 114 17.1
By Funding Source:          
General Fund $1,056 $1,194 $1,482 $288 24.1%
Federal TANF 1,043 1,066 1,060 -6 -0.6
College Access Tax Credit Fund 6 6 6 0
Data for 2017-18 and 2018-19 reflect California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) estimates. Data for 2019-20 reflect CSAC baseline estimates as adjusted by LAO to incorporate policy changes. Figure does not include $9 million in spending for the new Cal Grant B Service Incentive Grant. Because program funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, we are unable at this time to estimate the distribution of spending by segment, program, and new/renewal status.
Some categories do not sum to totals because of rounding.
a Less than $500,000 or 0.5 percent.     
TANF = Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.