July 2019

Financial Aid

Middle Class Scholarship Program

Recipients and Spending by Segment

2018-19 Revised 2019-20 Enacted Change from 2018-19
Amount Percent
Estimated Recipients        
CSU 42,867 44,070 45,081 1,011 2.3%
UC 8,443 9,181 9,647 466 5.1
Total 51,310 53,251 54,728 1,477 2.8
Estimated Spending (in thousands)       
CSU $75,153 $79,816 $81,646 $1,830 2.3%
UC 24,785 27,221 28,602 1,381 5.1
Total $99,938 $107,037 $110,248 $3,211 3.0
Maximum Award        
CSU $2,298 $2,298 $2,298
UC 5,052 5,028 5,028
Recipients and spending data reflect California Student Aid Commission estimates as adjusted by LAO to align with enacted spending levels.
Students with household income less than or equal to $118,000 receive the maximum award, which is equal to 40 percent of the systemwide tuition and fee charge. Students with household income of over $118,000 but less than or equal to $177,000 receive an award that is graduated downward for each $1,000 increase in income. Students with household income of $177,000 receive the minimum award, which is equal to 10 percent of the systemwide tuition and fee charge.
CSU = California State University. UC = University of California.