July 2024

Financial Aid

California Student Aid Commission Budget

(Dollars in Millions)

  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Revised 2024-25 Enacted Change From 2023-24
Amount Percent
Local assistance          
Cal Grants $2,211 $2,333 $2,439 $106 4.5%
Middle Class Scholarships 568 803 926 123 15.3
Golden State Teacher Grants 137 205 112 -93 -45.4
Other programs and adjustments -129a 40 38 -2 -5.2
Subtotals ($2,787) ($3,381) ($3,515) ($134) (4.0%)
State operations $28 $26 $24b -$3 -9.9%
Totals $2,815 $3,407 $3,538 $131 3.9%
General Fund $2,396 $2,984 $3,116 $132 4.4%
Ongoing (2,416) (2,550) (2,717) (167) (6.6)
One-time (-21)a (435) (399) (-35) (-8.1)
Federal TANF $400 $400 $400
Other funds and reimbursements 19 23 22 -1 -2.6%
a Includes reduction of $200 million one-time General Fund originally appropriated for Learning-Aligned Employment Program in 2021-22.
b Reduction reflects removal of prior-year one-time funds. Amount shown does not include a 7.95 percent reduction authorized by Control Section 4.05.
TANF = Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.