July 2024

Financial Aid

Middle Class Scholarship Program

Key Information by Segment

2023-24 Revised 2024-25 Enacted Change from 2023-24
Amount Percent
CSU 205,426 193,050 193,050
UC 92,284 85,140 85,140
CCCa 37 41 43 2 6%
Total 297,747 278,231 278,233 2 b
Spending (Dollars in Millions)     
CSU $419 $581 $669 $89 15%
UC 153 223 257 34 15
CCCa b b b b 22
Total $572 $803 $926 $123 15%
Average Award     
CSU $2,041 $3,007 $3,467 $460 15%
UC 1,654 2,615 3,015 400 15
CCCa 2,622 3,663 4,223 560 15
Data for 2022-23 reflect California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) estimates. Data for 2023-24 and 2024-25 reflect CSAC estimates adjusted by LAO to align with the enacted spending level. For 2024-25, CSAC assumed no change in offered awardees at the three segments, but an increase in the assumed paid rate at CCC results in a slight increase in CCC recipients.
a In addition to undergraduate students at UC and CSU, CCC students in bachelor's degree programs are eligible for awards.
b Less than $500,000.