July 2024

Financial Aid

Changes in California Student Aid Commission General Fund Spending

2024-25 (In Millions)

2023-24 Revised Spending $2,984
Ongoing Spending  
Cal Grant baseline adjustment $106
Middle Class Scholarship baseline adjustment 61a
Other b
Subtotal ($167)
One-Time Initiatives  
Middle Class Scholarship one-time augmentation $289
Golden State Teacher Grants 110c
Subtotal ($399)
Remove 2023-24 one-time funding -$435
Total $132
2024-25 Enacted Spending $3,116
a This adjustment brings the program back to its ongoing base funding level of $637 million.
b Consists of $152,000 increase for employee compensation and $31,000 increase for the Law Enforcement Personnel Dependents program.
c The 2021‑22 Budget Act appropriated $500 million to be spent annually from 2021‑22 through 2025‑26. Amount shown reflects anticipated spending in year four. Because program participation has been higher than originally anticipated, all program funding is expected to be spent by the end of 2024-25.