Ann Hollingshead
(916) 319-8305
State Budget and Federal Funding
Carolyn Chu
(916) 319-8326
Chief Deputy Legislative Analyst


State Budget Condition

To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


LAO's General Fund Revenue Outlook 1999-00

February 16, 1999 - LAO's General Fund Revenue Outlook 1999-00


State Fiscal Condition/State Finances 1999-00

February 16, 1999 - State Fiscal Condition/State Finances 1999-00


The 1999-00 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

February 16, 1999 - The 1999-00 Budget: Perspectives and Issues


Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill

February 16, 1999 - Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill


Overview of the 1999-00 Governor's Budget

January 15, 1999 - Overview of the 1999-00 Governor's Budget


Cal Facts: California's Economy and Budget in Perspective-1998

December 18, 1998 - Various "snapshots" of information--particularly graphics--that provide a broad overview of public finance and program trends in the state.


LAO Recommended Legislation

December 1, 1998 - The role of the Legislative Analyst's Office is to review state programs and make recommendations to the Legislature as to how the state can operate more effectively and efficiently. While most of our recommendations can be addressed in the annual budget bill, some involve recommended changes in law that require separate legislation. This report summarizes various changes to law that we have recommended in recent years.


The LAO’s Economic and Budget Projections

November 19, 1998 - In striking contrast to the past two years, when strong revenues provided funds for both tax relief and significant spending increases in education and other program areas, our projections indicate that 1999-00 will be a difficult year.


The 1998-99 Budget Act and Related Legislation

October 28, 1998 - The 1998-99 budget, signed into law by Governor Wilson on August 18, 1998, authorizes total state spending of $72 billion, including $57.3 billion from the General Fund and $14.7 billion from special funds.


Supplemental Report of the Budget Act—Containing Statements of Intent or Requests for Studies 1998-99

August 25, 1998 - Statements of intent or requests for studies adopted by the Legislature as a supplement to the 1998 Budget Act.


Major Features of the California Budget 1998-99

August 24, 1998 - On August 21, 1998, the Governor signed the 1998-99 Budget Act, which along with various implementing measures (trailer bills), comprise a budget package that authorizes total state spending of $72 billion. This total includes $57.3 billion from the General Fund (a 7.3 percent increase from 1997-98) and $14.7 billion from special funds (a 1.7 percent increase).


Overview of the May Revision 1998-99

May 18, 1998 - For the third year in a row, the May Revision reflects a major improvement in the state's fiscal picture.


State Fiscal Condition/State Finances 1998-99

February 18, 1998 - State Fiscal Condition/State Finances 1998-99


Perspectives on the Economy 1998-99

February 18, 1998 - Perspectives on the Economy 1998-99


Perspectives and Issues 1998-99

February 18, 1998 - Perspectives and Issues 1998-99