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March 1, 1993 - In the November 1992 election, the voters approved Proposition 162—the California Pension Protection Act of 1992. This act may fundamentally alter relationships between retirement boards and the executive and legislative branches of these levels of government. There are many issues related to implementation of this act that will be of concern to the Legislature. Key issues include (1) how the Legislature can carry out oversight of the budget of the Public Employee's Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System if those systems are free to spend funds without appropriations and (2) whether, or to what extent, these and other retirement boards are exempt from a wide range of provisions of state law and the State Constitution.
May 14, 1991 - Chapter 479, Statutes of 1988 (SB 2592, Dills), eliminated, for a three-year trial period, the statutorily set limits on the finance rates that retailers may charge consumers on their retail credit accounts in California. The original rate limits were established by the so-called Unruh Act in 1959. Chapter 479 lifts the rate limits from January 1989 to January 1992, after which time these limits will go back into effect. It also requires the Legislative Analyst to report to the Legislature on consumer credit rates charged in California in 1989 and 1990, during the first two years of the deregulation period. Our report provides this required credit rate information, along with various other information that may assist the Legislature in interpreting the data and deciding whether to allow limits on consumer credit finance rates to go back into effect in 1992.
February 21, 1990 - On November 8, 1988, California voters approved Proposition 103, which called for 20 percent rate rollbacks and ongoing regulation of the insurance industry. Our review of the past year's activities by the department suggests that considerable time will pass before the regulatory process has been fully developed and implemented. The department has proceeded slowly; thus, there are many elements of the regulatory approach that have not yet been developed and numerous issues remain to be resolved. In effect, while much activity has occurred over the past year, we are in essentially the same place as when the initiative passed.
February 1, 1990 - Review of the Bank and Corporation Tax Exemption For International Banking Facilities
February 1, 1989 - Federal Immigration Reform: An Update
February 1, 1989 - The Electrical Generation Industry In the 1990s
September 1, 1987 - This report was prepared pursuant to Chapter 815, Statutes of 1982 (as amended by Chapter 703,Statutes of 1985), which requires the Legislative Analyst to submit a report to the Legislature evaluating the program effectiveness and costs of the Better Automotive Repair Program. This program is a pilot project for the voluntary certification of automotive repair garages.
March 1, 1987 - The Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) program is one of the primary government programs providing employment and training services in California. In this report, we review selected elements of the operation of the JTPA program.
February 1, 1987 - State Regulation of The Trucking Industry
April 1, 1986 - Chapter 1074, Statutes of 1982 (AS 3461), established the Employment Training Panel (ETP) program to provide training and jobs to individuals who are covered under the Unemployment Insurance system. Chapter 1074 also required the Legislative Analyst to prepare a report on the performance and cost-effectiveness of the ETP program and to recommend "any appropriate improvements." This report was prepared in response to Chapter 1074's directive.
December 1, 1985 - Senate Concurrent Resolution 30 (Resolution Ch 117/83-McCorquodale), directs the Legislative Analyst to study and report to the Legislature on the activities of the county sealers and the CDFA in carrying out the state's weights and measures laws. This report was prepared in response to the directive contained in SCR 30.
May 1, 1985 - Chapter 906, Statutes of 1980 (SB 1687), established a special state tax credit to encourage the installation of solar-powered irrigation pumping systems. This report has been prepared in response to the requirement set forth in Chapter 906. The report (1) describes solar-powered irrigation pumps; (2) summarizes existing state and federal tax provisions aimed at encouraging their installation; (3) analyzes the basic economics and cost-effectiveness of these systems, and (4) discusses both the costs to the state and the statewide benefits resulting from the tax credit.
May 1, 1985 - The San Diego Job Search and Work Experience Demonstration program was established in 1982 for the purpose of determining the impact that specific employment services have on applicants for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). The demonstration program was conducted by the San Diego County welfare department in cooperation with the state departments of Employment Development (EDD) and Social Services (DSS), and was evaluated by the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC).
March 1, 1985 - This report summarizes the activities of the Legislative Analyst's office during fiscal years 1982-83 and 1983-84.