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January 23, 1997 - In order to assist the Legislature in its efforts to formulate a welfare reform plan, we offer a welfare-to-work approach (or "model") for consideration. Our approach is based largely on the principles, or expectations, that (1) the welfare system should assist and encourage recipients to achieve self-sufficiency and (2) recipients should, as a condition of receiving aid, participate in activities designed to move them toward self-sufficiency.
October 24, 1996 - (1) Welfare Reform’s Immigrant Restrictions—County Costs Probably Less Than Projected, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments
October 1, 1996 - On August 22, 1996, President Clinton signed into law major welfare reform legislation - The Personal Responsibility and Economic Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. This legislation could have a significant impact on the state and county governments. Counties, in particular, are concerned that their future costs of assisting indigent persons could increase as a result of restrictions and time limits on state and federal welfare programs. This update examines one of the aspects of the welfare reform legislation that has caused the most immediate concern to California counties-limitations on benefits to immigrants legally residing in the state.
April 26, 1996 - (1) Franchise Tax Board: Child Support Enforcement Program, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments
March 18, 1996 - Background Information on AFDC, SSI/SSP, Medi-Cal Programs, and Proposition 99
February 21, 1996 - Governor's 1997-98 Welfare Proposal
February 21, 1996 - Department of Motor Vehicles Database Redesign
January 23, 1996 - In order to ensure the resolution of the problems discussed in the three 1994 reports, we recommend that the Legislature (1) continue to closely monitor the state's information technology efforts and ensure that the administration addresses the issues raised in three oversight reports; (2) hold the new information technology oversight agency accountable, but remove barriers to fulfilling its mission; and (3) direct the administration to implement a new cost allocation method to fund the new information technology oversight department.