Mark Newton
(916) 319-8323
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Health, Developmental Services, and Technology
Jason Constantouros
(916) 319-8322
Medi-Cal/Managed Care/Family Health/Health Care Affordability and Workforce Development
Brian Metzker
(916) 319-8354
Privacy, Security, and Technology
Ryan Miller
(916) 319-8356
Medi-Cal/Behavioral Health/Covered California/CalHHS Agency Issues
Angela Short
(916) 319-8309
Child Welfare, Child Support, Community Services and Development, Community Care Licensing, CalSTRS
Karina Hendren
(916) 319-8352
Medi-Cal/Long-Term Care/Developmental Services
Will Owens
(916) 319-8341
Public Health/Behavioral Health/State Hospitals
Sonia Schrager Russo
(916) 319-8361
Juwan Trotter
(916) 319-8358
In-Home Supportive Services/Aging Programs
Ginni Bella Navarre
(916) 319-8342
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Human Services and Governance


Health and Human Services

To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


Proposition 99: An Update

February 21, 1990 - Proposition 99 established a new surtax on cigarettes and tobacco products, thereby generating almost $1.5 billion in new revenues available for expenditure in 1989-90 and 1990-91. Assembly Bill 75 (Ch 1331/89, Isenberg) allocated the vast majority of these funds. Our review indicates that the three major departments responsible for the implementation of AB 75 have made good progress in implementing the programs the act established in the current year.


Drug Prevention Programs

February 21, 1990 - Drug Prevention Programs


Anti-Drug Programs in California

February 21, 1990 - Anti-Drug Programs in California


Drug Use in California

February 21, 1990 - A Series of Drug-Related Pieces: Drug Use in California, Anti-Drug Programs in California, Drug Prevention Programs


AIDS Education in Correctional Facilities: A Review

January 1, 1990 - This report is submitted in response to Chapter 1579, Statutes of 1988 (Senate Bill 1913, Presley). Chapter 1579 requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to determine whether the Department of Corrections (CDC) and the Department of the Youth Authority (CYA) have adequate education, prevention, and treatment programs related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and whether the programs are being properly implemented. Additionally, the law requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to assess the quality of AIDS education and prevention programs in county and city jails.


Local Mental Health Programs

February 1, 1989 - Local Mental Health Programs


Substance-Exposed Infants

February 1, 1989 - Substance-Exposed Infants


Judicial Reviews of State Developmental Center Placements: Implementation of the In re Hop Decision

November 1, 1988 - This report is submitted in response to Resolution Chapter 147, Statutes of 1987 (Senate Concurrent Resolution 45). This measure requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to submit a report to the Legislature responding to specific questions related to the counties' implementation of the California Supreme Court's In re Hop decision (29 Cal. 3d 82). This decision specifies that persons with developmental disabilities who are unable to provide informed consent regarding their placement in a state developmental center (SDC) are entitled to judicial hearings regarding the need for, and appropriateness of, such placement.


The Problems of Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting: Options for the Legislature

May 1, 1988 - This report is submitted pursuant to Chapter 941, Statutes of 1986 (AB 3959). Chapter I explores the problems that are associated with teen pregnancy and parenting. Chapter II describes the dimensions of the teen pregnancy problem in California and the factors contributing to teen pregnancy. Chapter III contains descriptions of existing state programs that serve pregnant and parenting teens, including the cost of services provided. Chapter IV reviews various studies that (1) have identified what influences teenagers in making choices regarding sexual activity and coping with unplanned pregnancy and (2) assess the effectiveness of various services and programs in dealing with the teen pregnancy and parenting problem. Finally, Chapter V summarizes our recommendations regarding state services for pregnant and parenting teens.


The Health Services "Safety Net"

February 1, 1988 - The Health Services "Safety Net"


The Medi-Cal Program in Perspective

March 1, 1987 - This report is submitted in conjunction with our Analysis of the 1987-88 Budget Bill. The report is intended to provide the Legislature with background information needed to place in perspective the Governor's proposal to reduce Medi-Cal costs by $250 million ($125 million General Fund) through an as-yet-unspecified "program restructuring." The first chapter of the report provides an overview of the Medi-Cal budget proposal for 1987-88. The second chapter provides data intended to put Medi-Cal costs and trends into perspective. The third chapter identifies major options for reducing Medi-Cal costs.


California's Long-Term Care System

February 1, 1987 - California's Long-Term Care System


The AIDS Epidemic

February 1, 1987 - The AIDS Epidemic


The Economic and Fiscal Effects On a Primary Source Law for California Wine Imports

May 1, 1986 - The Economic and Fiscal Effects On a Primary Source Law for California Wine Imports


The Impacts of SB 1211 on California Consumers, The Beer Industry and State Government

May 1, 1986 - The Impacts of SB 1211 on California Consumers, The Beer Industry and State Government