Chas Alamo
(916) 319-8357
Personal Income Tax, Employment, and Labor Law
Ann Hollingshead
(916) 319-8305
State Budget and Federal Funding
Nick Schroeder
(916) 319-8314
Public Employment, CalPERS, Elections, Veterans Affairs
Paul Steenhausen
(916) 319-8303
Local Government, Housing, and Homelessness
Brian Uhler
(916) 319-8328
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Economy, Taxes, and Labor
Alex Bentz
(916) 319-8312
Property Taxes, Bonds, and the Economy
Rowan Isaaks
(916) 319-8362
Corporation Tax and Economic Development
Seth Kerstein
(916) 319-8365
Sales and Excise Taxes and Demographics


Economy and Taxes

To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


Why County Revenues Vary: State Laws and Local Conditions Affecting County Finance

May 7, 1998 - Much of the variation in county revenues stems from taxation decisions of a generation ago and the extent of development today. The fundamental dilemma of counties remains: (1) counties have little control over their expenditures or revenues, and (2) county supervisors are elected locally, but have few tools to respond to local preferences. Ultimately, we believe the Legislature will need to broadly reexamine county government responsibilities and finance.


Perspectives on the Economy 1998-99

February 18, 1998 - Perspectives on the Economy 1998-99


Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics 1998-99

February 18, 1998 - Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics 1998-99


Perspectives on State Revenues 1998-99

February 18, 1998 - Perspectives on State Revenues 1998-99


A Perspective on the Vehicle License Fee

February 18, 1998 - A Perspective on the Vehicle License Fee


(1) Major Milestones: 25 Years of The State-Local Fiscal Relationship, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments

December 22, 1997 - (1) Major Milestones: 25 Years of The State-Local Fiscal Relationship, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments


The LAO’s Economic and Budget Projections 1997-98 Through 1999-00

November 20, 1997 - We estimate that the current year will end with a reserve of $769 million, or $657 million more than the 1997-98 Budget Act estimate. We further estimate that the budget will remain in balance in the future, with the reserve rising slightly to $836 million in 1998-99, before declining to $304 million in 1999-00.


California’s Fiscal Outlook

November 1, 1997 - Slideshow summarizing our fiscal outlook for California.


(1) Explaining Differences in School District Revenue, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments

October 28, 1997 - (Cal Update)


(1) Will California Meet the TANF Maintenance-of-Effort Requirement? And (2) $2.5 Million Deal Funds Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit

September 22, 1997 - (1) Will California Meet the TANF Maintenance-of-Effort Requirement? And (2) $2.5 Million Deal Funds Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit


(1) State Education Funding Still at Risk Due to Dispute Over Prison Inmate Services, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments

August 29, 1997 - (1) State Education Funding Still at Risk Due to Dispute Over Prison Inmate Services, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments


Economic and Revenue Developments

April 17, 1997 - Economic and Revenue Developments


Economic and Revenue Developments

April 1, 1997 - Current economic and revenue trends appear to be running ahead of the January budget forecast. Employment and personal income continue to expand moderately and General Fund revenues through March were up $305 million from the forecast. However, nearly one-third of 1996-97 revenues come in during the last three months of the fiscal year, and the current-year revenue picture will be highly dependent on developments over the next several weeks. Of particular significance will be the magnitude of final personal income tax payments and· refunds that were due April 15 and will be processed during the next few weeks.


The State’s Audit Programs

February 19, 1997 - The State’s Audit Programs


The Governor's Corporate Tax Reduction Proposal

February 19, 1997 - The Governor's Corporate Tax Reduction Proposal