Helen Kerstein
(916) 319-8364
Forestry, Parks, and High Speed Rail
Frank Jimenez
(916) 319-8324
Highways and Roads, Recycling, Agriculture, and Toxics
Luke Koushmaro
(916) 319-8355
Mass Transportation, Traffic Enforcement, Statewide Planning and Infrastructure
Rachel Ehlers
(916) 319-8330
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Environment and Transportation



To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


Motor Vehicle Account Condition

February 19, 2003 - The Motor Vehicle Account (MVA), which primarily funds the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and DMV, faces a significant deficit in the budget year without corrective actions. In order to ensure that the MVA remains in a healthy fiscal condition, the Legislature will have to either increase fees further or reduce expenditures for the departments it supports.


Funding for Transportation Programs

February 19, 2003 - The Governor's proposal to use about $1.7 billion in transportation funds to aid the General Fund would delay projects in the Traffic Congestion Relief Program (TCRP) and makes the program's future funding uncertain. We recommend that the Legislature act quickly and decisively to determine the state's funding commitment to the program.


Analysis of the 2003-04 Budget Bill, Transportation Chapter

February 19, 2003 - Analysis of the 2003-04 Budget Bill, Transportation Chapter


Lease-Leaseback Transactions by Public Transit Districts--Sales and Use Tax Exemption

January 28, 2003 - The Sales and Use Tax exclusion granted through Chapter 592 is scheduled to sunset on January 1, 2004. Based on our examination of the impact of this exemption on state and local governments, we believe that a strong case can be made for removing the sunset and allowing the exclusion to continue


HOV Lanes on Route 14: Effects of Part-Time Operation

April 12, 2002 - Single-occupancy vehicles can now use the Route 14 HOV lanes during off-peak hours. We conclude that the conversion to part-time operation had essentially no effect on traffic congestion.


A Commuter's Dilemma: Extra Cash or Free Parking?

March 18, 2002 - California law requires certain employers who provide free parking to their workers to also offer cash in lieu of the parking. The goal is to provide workers an incentive to use transportation alternatives to driving alone. The Air Resources Board has conducted little outreach to make employers aware of the program. Additionally, there are no statewide data on the effectiveness of the program. We recommend that the board (1) conduct outreach to all firms with 50 or more employees and (2) perform periodic surveys to assess the program's effectiveness.


Enhanced Security Antiterrorism Programs

February 20, 2002 - We withhold recommendation on $89.6 million requested for the California Highway Patrol until the levels of federal reimbursement are better known in the spring. We also recommend development of an expenditure plan that sets priorities for the use of the remaining $176 million in anticipated additional federal funds.


Motor Vehicle Account Condition

February 20, 2002 - Increased costs for security activities in the budget year, together with other Motor Vehicle Account (MVA) expenditures, will result in an MVA shortfall if corrective actions are not taken.


Condition of Transportation Funds

February 20, 2002 - We recommend adoption of budget bill language (a) limiting the transfer from the State Highway Account (SHA) to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (TCRF) and (b) providing increased flexibility for transferring TCRF money to the General Fund. We believe the budget overestimates current-year and budget-year expenditures from the TCRF and that capital outlay expenditures in the SHA are overestimated.


The Vehicle License Fee and The 2002-03 Budget

February 20, 2002 - We provide a history of the VLF tax reductions and an explanation of the distribution of the revenues. We also answer many common questions regarding the VLF—including information about the insufficient moneys provision in current law.


Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill, Transportation Chapter

February 20, 2002 - Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill, Transportation Chapter


Perspectives on California’s Transportation Challenges

May 30, 2001 - PowerPoint slides presented to the California Transportation Forum.


Condition of Transportation Funds

February 21, 2001 - The 2001-02 budget projects a significant decrease in the State Highway Account cash balance, from an estimated $878 million at the end of 2000-01 to $222 million at the end of 2001-02. Based on past expenditure trends, we find it unlikely that the balance will fall to this level.


Analysis of the 2001-02 Budget Bill, Transportation Chapter

February 21, 2001 - Analysis of the 2001-02 Budget Bill, Transportation Chapter


Perspectives on California’s Transportation Challenges

October 18, 2000 - Slide presentation composed of graphics highlighting California's transportation challenges.