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Californians and the Marriage Penalty

December 15, 1999 - Nationally, over 40 percent of married couples currently incur the marriage penalty, which averages about $1,400 per couple. However, even more couples--over 50 percent--receive federal marriage bonuses, totaling several billion dollars more than the marriage penalties. While the likelihood of Californians facing federal marriage penalties is less than nationally, Californians pay a disproportionately large share of such penalties.


State Employee Compensation: The Recently Approved Package

December 6, 1999 - We estimate that the employee compensation package approved by the Legislature in September will cost $286 million in the current year, increasing to almost $1.3 billion in 2001-02. Enhanced retirement benefits will cost over $400 million per year beginning in 2001-02.


California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 1999-00 to 2004-05

November 17, 1999 - California's fiscal fortunes have again significantly exceeded expectations, due largely to its robust economic performance and the accompanying increases in General Fund revenues. We project that continued revenue growth will trigger all of the vehicle license fee (VLF) reductions previously agreed to, enable full funding of all current-law programs, and produce significant budgetary reserves in the next several years.


Special Education Mandates Follow-Up Letter

October 27, 1999 - We outline our concerns with the staff supplemental analysis prepared for the Commission on State Mandates (COSM) October 28, 1999 meeting. This letter is a follow-up to our 10/13/99 analysis in which we reviewed legislative intent related to the special education funding system.


(1) The "Three Strikes and You're Out" Law's Impact on State Prisons: An Update , and (2) The Economic and Revenue Situation

October 23, 1999 - (1) Although the growth in the prison population has slowed in recent years, the second- and third-strike population continues to grow substantially. This growth will have implications for the costs, operation, and security needs of the prison system. (2) Strong current revenue trends suggest that revenues in 1999-00 will exceed the budget estimate, potentially by a substantial margin.. (Cal Update)


Special Education Mandate History, Funding and Legislative Intent: Questions and Answers

October 13, 1999 - We review the special education funding system and the legislative intent during the years before and after enactment of the state's Master Plan for Special Education: Chapter 797, Statutes of 1980 (SB 1970, Rodda).


The Role of Water Transfers in Meeting California's Water Needs

September 8, 1999 - If water transfers are to help the state meet its water needs, we think that the Legislature should address a number of issues, including impediments to transfers and stakeholder concerns about potential negative impacts of transfers on "third parties." Statutory policy on water transfers should be clarified and made more consistent.


California Meets Federal Work Participation Rates for CalWORKs in 1998

August 31, 1999 - The federal welfare reform legislation of 1996 requires states to have specified percentages of their caseload working or engaged in some other work-related activity. For federal fiscal year (FFY) 1997--October 1996 through September 1997--California met the work participation rate for all families but did not meet the higher rate for two-parent families. This failure could result in a penalty of $7 million. (8 pp.)


Higher Education "Compacts": An Assessment

August 26, 1999 - We recommend that the Legislature not endorse a multiyear funding plan for UC and CSU. Instead, we recommend that it continue to use mechanisms already present in the annual budget process to express its policy and budget priorities and hold the segments accountable for performance.


(1) Tahoe-Area Development Lawsuits Could Have Far-Reaching Impacts, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments

August 23, 1999 - Four significant lawsuits concerning the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) either recently have been resolved or are proceeding toward resolution. The outcome of these cases could have important consequences for land-use regulation in the Lake Tahoe area. Further, since the cases concern provisions of the U.S. Constitution, they could affect land-use regulation across the country. (Cal Update)


Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles: An Option to Finance Transportation Projects

August 18, 1999 - Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles (GARVEE bonds) are a financing instrument that enables states to fund transportation projects based on anticipated receipt of future federal funds. (Cal Update)


The 1999-00 Budget Act and Related Legislation

August 16, 1999 - On June 28, 1999, Governor Davis signed the 1999-00 Budget Act which, together with related implementing legislation (trailer bills), authorizes total state spending of $79.8 billion. This report details the contents of this measure. (53 pp.)


State Recovering From Tuberculosis Epidemic

July 16, 1999 - Compared to the peak of the epidemic in 1992, tuberculosis cases have dropped 28 percent in California. (Cal Update)


California and the 2000 Census

July 15, 1999 - We discuss the controversy surrounding plans to supplement the traditional population headcount in the 2000 federal census with estimates derived from statistical sampling techniques. We also revisit the cost to California resulting from undercounting in the 1990 federal census.


Substance Abuse Treatment in California: Services Are Cost-Effective to Society

July 13, 1999 - We identify several problems in the state's substance abuse treatment system. These include lengthy waiting lists in a number of counties, no statewide plan for addressing the demand for treatment services, and a need in particular for treatment services aimed at adolescents.