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Overview of the Governor's Budget 1996-97

January 18, 1996 - Overview of the Governor's Budget 1996-97


Cal Facts: California Economy and Budget in Perspective-1996

January 16, 1996 - Cal Facts: California Economy and Budget in Perspective


Child Abuse and Neglect in California

January 5, 1996 - This report presents a variety of information on the subject of child abuse and neglect. It is designed to serve both as a reference document and as a vehicle for stimulating further discussion and policy development on these issues.


Accommodating the State's Inmate Population Growth

December 28, 1995 - Based on available information, the state's five-year capital outlay needs total in the tens of billions of dollars. It is essential that the state develop a comprehensive plan to address these statewide needs in a timely and cost effective manner. A critical element of the state's capital needs is the state's prison system. This policy brief addresses issues concerning the development of facilities for the prison system.


Accommodating the State’s Inmate Population Growth

December 28, 1995 - Accommodating the State’s Inmate Population Growth


(1) State Transportation Funding Shortfall, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments

December 27, 1995 - (1) State Transportation Funding Shortfall, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments


California's Correctional Situation

December 4, 1995 - Presented To Conference Committee on SB 760 (Lockyer) And AB 126 (Rainey) - Senator Bill Lockyer, Chair


Background Information on the Health Care "Safety Net"

November 28, 1995 - Prepared for The Assembly Select Committee on California's Health Care Safety Net


Background Information on the Health Care "Safety Net"

November 28, 1995 - Background Information on the Health Care "Safety Net"


New Funding Model for Special Education

November 28, 1995 - Prepared jointly by this office, the California Department of Education, and the Department of Finance, this report reviews the Master Plan for Special Education and propose a new funding model.


Sunset Review and Evaluation of California's Consumer Regulatory Agencies

November 27, 1995 - Presented To Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee - Senator Ruben S, Ayala, Chair


(1) California Remedial Education, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments

November 21, 1995 - (1) California Remedial Education, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments


The LAO’s Economic and Budget Projections 1995-96 Through 1997-98

November 1, 1995 - The LAO’s Economic and Budget Projections 1995-96 Through 1997-98


Oversight of the State Cemetery Board

October 26, 1995 - Presented To: Assembly Budget Subcommittee No.4 on State Administration - Assembly Member Willard Murray, Chair


An Overview of California's Tax System

October 24, 1995 - Presented to: The Assembly Budget Committee