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4,656 Publications Found
May 3, 1994 - In our Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, we withheld recommendation on $2 million proposed to support the Department of Finance's Office of Information Technology (OIT). We indicated that there are serious, fundamental problems with the manner in which the state plans and implements major information technology projects, and noted that we were conducting a review of the state's information technology infrastructure. This supplemental analysis includes the major findings and recommendations of that review as they relate to the OIT.
May 1, 1994 - April Revenues Weaker Than Forecast
April 25, 1994 - We recommend that the Legislature delete $7.5 million to continue redevelopment of its driver license and vehicle registration database redevelopment project We further recommend that the Legislature establish a new item with an appropriation of $4.4 million to hire a consultant to independently review and propose a course of action for the DMV's database project.
April 1, 1994 - The Trial Court Realignment and Efficiency Act of 1991 modified the Trial Court Funidng Program and significantly changed the state-local funding relationship for support of the trial courts. The Governor's Budget proposes to significantly increase state support and fund trial court operations so that state expenditures are dsiplayed by function instead of by block grant amounts. We identify a number of issues with the Governor's proposal.
April 1, 1994 - California Update: The Fiscal Impact of Tuberculosis in California
April 1, 1994 - Cal Facts: California Economy and Budget in Perspective
April 1, 1994 - Analysis of the 1989 Budget of the State Bar of California
March 1, 1994 - Through its three housing agencies, the State of California operates 31 separate housing assistance programs. In this reprint from the Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, we examine whether these programs would be administered more efficiently by a single consolidated state housing agency.
March 1, 1994 - A major portion of state government expenditures is for compensation of state employees. Expenditures for state employee compensation (excluding higher education employees) will approach $10 billion in 1994-95. In this reprint from the Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, we discuss the employee compensation issues and options the Legislature should consider in enacting a Budget for 1994-95.
March 1, 1994 - In this analysis, we examine the state of Califonia's probation system.
March 1, 1994 - California Update: California’s Cash Crunch
February 23, 1994 - Highlights of the 1994-95 Analysis and P&I
February 23, 1994 - Transportation Programming and Funding
February 23, 1994 - The 1994-95 Governor's Budget recognizes that the two-year budget plan adopted last June has been undermined by the continuing stubborn state recession. Faced with an $8 billion budget funding gap for 1993-94, the Legislature and Governor adopted a two-year plan to achieve a balanced budget in 1994-95. That plan now is $4.9 billion out of balance based on the state's current revenue and spending trends identified in the 1994-95 Governor's Budget. Perhaps the most important policy proposal in the budget is the Governor's plan for restructuring the state/county fiscal relationship, which is intended to give counties a significant cost share in the health and welfare programs that they administer in order to provide appropriate incentives to make those programs more efficient and effective.
February 23, 1994 - Special Education Pupil Assessment