March 6, 2019 - The Select Committee on Social Determinants of Children’s Well-Being
January 19, 2021 - In this brief we assess how coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected renters and homeowners. We also provide an updated estimate of the total unpaid rental debt in California that has accumulated due to COVID-19.
Correction 1/19/21: Legend on Figure 3 corrected to match data.
March 18, 2013 - Presented to Assembly Revenue and Taxation, and Housing and Community Development Committees
March 6, 2019 - The 2017 federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made significant changes to federal tax laws. Generally, the federal tax changes reduced tax rates and broadened the tax base (what is subject to tax). Because the state’s income tax laws closely refer to large portions of federal law, many of those changes created new differences between federal and state taxes. State law currently does not adopt—or conform to—any of the federal changes made in 2017. This report assesses the arguments for and against conforming to ten of those major changes. (Five of these conformity provisions are included in the Governor's proposal.)
March 1, 1990 - In January 1990, the Governor announced a $2 billion home loan initiative to increase home ownership opportunities for first-time homebuyers. In March, two legislative measures were introduced to establish part of the program. In the following analysis we describe the Governor’s proposal, identify the likely beneficiaries, discuss its fiscal effects, and identify the policy choices which this proposal presents to the Legislature.
January 16, 1998 - The Cal-Vet loan program is currently not competitive with other private- and public-sector loan programs which now offer better interest rates and terms.
December 1, 1988 - The purpose of this report is to provide information which will assist the Legislature in reviewing the state's tax expenditure budget, including making decisions regarding which individual TEPs should be retained, renewed, modified, or eliminated.