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Evaluation of a Tax Exemption for Zero-Emission Buses


[PDF] State of Transit in California

April 27, 2023 - Presented to: Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 5 on Corrections, Public Safety, Judiciary, Labor and Transportation


[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: Green School Bus Grants

February 10, 2022 - This brief analyzes the Governor’s proposal to provide $1.5 billion in one-time Proposition 98 funding for electric school buses. It provides background on school transportation and school bus fleets, describes the advantages and limitations of electric school buses, and makes recommendations to the Legislature.


[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: Zero-Emission Vehicle Package

February 23, 2022 - This brief provides our assessment and recommendations on the Governor's proposed 2022-23 zero-emission vehicle package.


[PDF] Options for Providing Short-Term Fiscal Relief to Transit Agencies

May 10, 2023 - Presented to: Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 3 on Climate Crisis, Resources, Energy, and Transportation


The 2023-24 Budget: Proposed Reauthorization of AB 8 Vehicle Fees

February 24, 2023 - In this brief, we analyze the Governor's proposal to extend certain vehicle fees (known as "AB 8" fees) that fund clean transportation activities that are scheduled to sunset at the end of 2023.


[PDF] Assessing California’s Climate Policies—Implications for State Transportation Funding and Programs

December 13, 2023 - This report discusses how meeting the state’s greenhouse gas reduction goals will affect existing fuel tax revenues and projects specific impacts on state transportation programs.


Summary of Major 2022 Climate and Energy Legislation

January 6, 2023 - This post provides an overview of newly enacted legislation addressing the state's greenhouse gas emissions and clean energy goals, energy sources, and oil and gas extraction policies.


[PDF] Overview of Transit Funding in California

February 6, 2025 - Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review


The 2025-26 Budget: Various California Air Resources Board Proposals

February 24, 2025 - This brief analyzes various budget proposals from the California Air Resources Board.


An Analysis of the Low-Emission Vehicle Tax Credit Program

June 21, 1996 - An Analysis of the Low-Emission Vehicle Tax Credit Program


Condition of Transportation Funds

February 21, 2001 - The 2001-02 budget projects a significant decrease in the State Highway Account cash balance, from an estimated $878 million at the end of 2000-01 to $222 million at the end of 2001-02. Based on past expenditure trends, we find it unlikely that the balance will fall to this level.


Assessing California’s Climate Policies—Transportation

December 21, 2018 - Chapter 135 of 2017 (AB 398, E. Garcia) requires our office to annually report on the economic impacts and benefits of California’s statutory greenhouse gas (GHG) emission goals—statewide emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 and to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. This report provides our assessment of the effects, of major policies in the transportation sector intended to help meet these goals, as well as identifies some key issues for the Legislature to consider as it makes future policy and budget decisions. In a companion report, Assessing California’s Climate Policies—An Overview, we describe the general types of economic effects of state climate policies, key challenges in measuring these effects, and broad issues for the Legislature to consider when designing and evaluating its climate policies.


California’s Cap-and-Trade Program: Frequently Asked Questions

October 24, 2023 - This post answers commonly asked questions about cap-and-trade—one of the state’s key programs to address greenhouse gas emissions—and the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.