Results for 서울시 tax

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Common Claims About Proposition 13 [Publication Details]

Sep 19, 2016 - Proposition 13 was a landmark decision by California’s voters in June 1978 to limit property taxes. Today, there are many questions about the impacts of these changes. This report examines some of these questions and which of them can be answered by the data available. Also see the companion videos for this report.

2015 Census Data on Incomes [EconTax Blog]

Sep 15, 2016 - Follow @LAOEconTax on Twitter for regular California economy and tax updates.

Road Charge Pilot Program Update

Sep 15, 2016 - Essentially, the gas excise tax serves as a proxy charge for road usage, as taxes paid roughly correspond with miles driven. However, over time changes in the type and fuel efficiency of vehicles have eroded the relationship between fuel taxes and road usage.

Road Charge Pilot Program Update [Publication Details]

Sep 15, 2016 - In 2014, legislation was enacted that requires the California State Transportation Agency to conduct a road charge pilot program to study the feasibility of charging individuals for each mile they drive as an alternative to fuel taxes. The road charge pilot program officially began in July 2016 and will continue through March 2017. In this post, we provide an update on the pilot program.

Poverty in California: Recently Released Census Data [EconTax Blog]

Sep 13, 2016 - Follow @LAOEconTax on Twitter for regular California economy and tax updates.

Property Assessment Rules for Businesses [EconTax Blog]

Sep 6, 2016 - For more information, please see the Legal Entity Ownership Program at the State Board of Equalization  and/or consult experts in this area of tax law. Follow @LAOEconTax on Twitter for regular California economy and tax updates.

Data on Real Income Growth Trends by Percentile, 1990-2014 [EconTax Blog]

Sep 6, 2016 - Follow @LAOEconTax on Twitter for regular California economy and tax updates. Below is the state Franchise Tax Board data on adjusted gross income per resident tax return, showing how virtually all real growth over the last two decades occurred in the top quintile of returns.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 2 (Attorneys and Hearing Officers)

Aug 29, 2016 - These leave cash outs are subject to Medicare and Social Security payroll taxes but do not affect employees ’ pension benefits. The administration assumes that departments will absorb these costs within existing departmental resources.

Improving Workforce Education and Training Data in California

Aug 18, 2016 - Department of Education has developed the College Scorecard, which links data from colleges and universities with federal student financial aid and tax data. For a given college, the Scorecard provides information about admissions, student demographics, completions, costs (by family income), student aid (including student loan repayment rates), and the average earnings of students after attending the college.

EdBudget Tables (July 2016)

Jul 14, 2016 - In 2016-17, discounts per FTE student are projected to be $18,595 at Hastings, $4,251 at UC, and $1,677 at CSU. c Includes Proposition 98 General Fund and local property tax revenue. Beginning in 2015-16, includes $500 million for Adult Education Block Grant, of which more than $400 million goes to school districts for their adult education services.